26. Gio

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I stood in front of the male that had been the leader in child trafficking. He had his head down as blood spilled from a cut on his stomach. He wasn't dead.

Not yet anyway.

I knew that because I could hear and see his chest rising and falling with each ragged breath he took.

"Ju-just," he struggled to say before going into a coughing fit making me stare at him, "just kill me already." He finally managed to say but it was so soft it sounded like a whisper.

"Sorry, what was that?" I asked feigning interest, "I didn't understand."

He raised his head and glared—as best as he could with two swollen eyes, "you—you."

"You-you." I mocked before pushing away from the wall I had been leaning on and pulled a chair along the cement making it screech which had him wincing. I turned it around and sat down with the back to him and rested my arms on the back of the chair and played with my knife.

I left Nico and the boys upstairs in our apartment there hours ago after we ate lunch. Cameron had messaged me during lunch that he and Arrow had found the ring leader and had brought him here.

"You brought that man here?!" Nico whispered yelled when I told him.

"Cameron and Arrow found and brought him here," I replied, he clenched his jaw and I cupped his cheeks, "I will get rid of him and then we can focus on moving on from this. Tanner can finally be free from the man that ruined him."

He pursed his lips before sighing and nodding, "Just promise me that he won't get away and come here and take him,"

"He'll be dead before he takes a step out of the door,"
I said and he nodded. I gave him a kiss on the forehead before leaving the apartment and meeting Cameron and Arrow in the red room. They and the bastard tied to a chair with a bag over his head.

He as still conscious and in one piece then. His white shirt spotless. Both Cam and Arrow stood on each side of the chair before Arrow pulled the bag off of the bastard's head making him sneer at him but Arrow gave him a deadpanned look.

"Where the fuck am I?" He asked but they didn't reply making him angry, "I said where the fuck am I?"

Cameron and Arrow looked at him before looking away, their eyes sparkling with amusement as they looked at me. The male still didn't see me standing by the door.

"Once I get free from here I'll have you both begging for mercy," he spat

"I'd like to see you try," Arrow replied as he grabbed a handful of the male's hair and pulled it back making him hiss at the pain, "I'd like to see you make me fall to my knees and beg."

"You would love that wouldn't you?" Arrow asked turning to Cameron who smiled that sick smile of his that I knew meant trouble. My cousin despite his size was far more than a submissive.

"I'd like to see him on his hands and knees begging." Cameron replied looking at the male who gave him a disgusted look, "Oh don't look so mad." He cooed making me roll my eyes. "You'll be begging to be killed sooner or later."

"I don't beg, I make people beg," He said making Cameron and Arrow laugh before Arrow sucker punched him making the bastard spit up blood.

"Is that what you made little children do?" He snarled making his head snap back as he grabbed him by the hair again,

"Did you make small boys and girls beg?"Cameron asked as he walked around and stood in front of him.  I just stood back and watched as they got a few punches in. I wanted to see how far they'll go before the bastard starts begging. Which I know will happen because one thing you don't mess with, is children. As ruthless as my gang and I were, children are never touched regardless of who their families are. They are innocent and deserve to be protected at all costs.

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