37. Nico

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October 23, 2022 (week 12 of pregnancy)

"How do you know what he's saying is true?" I asked Gio three hours after he returned from interrogating the man responsible for the note being left behind.

"He wouldn't lie if it involves his family, angel," he replied as he examined his weapons and I bit my lip, "I know you're worried." He set the gun he held on the table and walked over to me before cupping my face, "but I assure you that nothing will happen. Have I ever failed in keeping my promise to come home?" I shook my head as fear and worry filled me and I felt a knot in my throat form as tears welled in my eyes and he pulled me into his embrace carful with my bump that was already noticeable and whispered, "I promise that I'll be home as soon as I finish Alfonso off."

"I don't want to lose you," I whispered and he pressed a kiss to the top of my head as he wrapped his arms around me

"You won't, I promise." He looked down at me and cupped my face before leaning down and pressing his lips against mine in a kiss and I gripped his shirt pulling him closer to me and deepening the kiss as tears rolled down my face.

"I love you so much to lose you, Gio," I minutes against his lips as I looked up at him with blurred vision due to the tears, "so please come back to me."

"I love you, angel." He pressed another tender kiss upon my lips before letting me go to rerun to his weapons and place them in a case. I watched with a beating heart as he grabbed his jacket and put it in. We held hands as we made our way to the hall where Tanner and Aros were making them frown up at Gio who only smiled and crouched to their level saying, "you watch your mama okay? I'll be back soon."

"Where?" Aros asked titling his head and Gio smiled putting his hand on his head making me swallow the lump in my throat.

"I'm going to fight the bad guys, bud, so you're to watch your mama and brother okay?"

Aros blinked with a frown before he nodded with a determined look on his face and Gio smiled before gathering him and Tanner into his arms giving them a hug and kiss before letting them go, "remember, you're the man of the house until I come back so be strong and look after them okay?"

"Okay daddy," Aros replied with sharp nod making my husband nod and with one final look in my direction he gave me a reassuring smile before stepping out of our apartment.

"Can we have pancakes for lunch mommy?" Aros asked making me blink and look down at my two boys and nodded letting a small smile form on my lips. I have to be strong for them and for Gio. I can't let my worry cloud my senses and worry the boys.

"Want to help make them?"



As the days past, I began to fear that Gio wasn't coming home. I felt a pang in my chest at the mere thought of losing him and having to raise our children on my own. I shook my head to clear it from those those. I can't think that way. Gio promised me he'd be back and I have to have faith in him that he'll keep his word. He always kept his word. Ever since I met him, there was never a day that he didn't keep his word about anything. He always came through with his promises.

As of today, November 7, 2022, I was official 14 weeks into my pregnancy and my baby bump was starting to become noticeable. I looked in the mirror and smiled as I rubbed my belly and cradled it showing the smallest hint of a bump. Gio had now been gone for 2 weeks and everyday it feels like a year since I've seen him. The boys are constantly asking about him and wondering when he'll be home. Aros had taken his roll as the family 'man' very seriously as well. He's always trailing behind me waiting for me or having a watchful eye on his little brother.

It was sweet to see him being protective of him. He would always be one step behind Tanner watching his every move and those around him. He was like a little lion watching his prey make a move before pouncing at it. It's galeones a couple of time since Gio left. One of the little boys from the gang would taunt Tanner about how Gio left because was tired of him. Oh how badly I wanted to grab that boy and give him a good whopping for what he said but before I could ever say anything, Aros was there giving him a good sucker punch to the nose.

"Ow!" The boy yelled as blood began to spill from his nose as he stared at Aros with wide and tear filled eyes but my 7 year old only glared.

"Never tell my bother that our daddy left because he didn't want us no more!" Aros had yelled and I was quick to pull him back before he could give that little brat another punch.

"You better watch your kid," a man snarled as he pulled the bleeding boy away and I looked up with a glare of my own making him back down.

"Why don't you take your own advice?" We looked towards the sound of Gio's voice and saw him leaning against the threshold, "he's lucky it's only a broken nose instead of a few missing teeth. Next time your son decides to scare my kid, you'll be the one getting injured for his actions, Darion."

"DADDY!" The boys yelled before running towards Gio who crouched to their level and easily picked them up.

"Do I make myself clear?" He asked the burly man who was practically shaking in his shoes. Said man nodded as he led his weeping son away to get it checked by Kenzie.

"Welcome home," I smiled as I walked up to him and he smiled before setting the boys down who beamed up at him wrapping their arms around his his legs. He cupped my face before leaning down and giving me a soft tender kiss on the lips and I melted right into him.

"I'm sorry I didn't come home sooner," he said with an apologetic smile as he pulled back to look down at me before placing his hand on my belly and I shook my head placing one of my own over his.

"What matters now is you're home." 

He nodded before looking down at our sons, "have you eaten yet?" His answer was a shake of their head while I smiled saying I was about to make them some lunch when Dorian's kid began to harass the boys. Gio had a frown on his face at my words but nodded, "why don't we go out to eat? It's been a while since we've done so."

"I'll go get their coats."

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