51. Nico

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May 10, 2023 ( Gia is 4 months and 18 days old)

"Alright boys," Gio said making Tanner and Aros look up at him, "time to go, so go give mama, sissy and your brothers a hug."

It's been four weeks since Aros was kidnapped and since we brought Gia home from the hospital. In those four weeks, we had kept both Tanner and Aros home from school. Gio had gone to speak with the school's superintendent of the district and told them of the event that had happened back in April when aAros had been taken out of school without neither mine or Gio's consent.

Needless to say the old man had been terrified when Gio had shown up unexpectedly to the school and demanded that the secretary be removed from the school after the incident. Ariel had been placed as the woman's temporary replacement until the school found a new one. And I was relieved that there will be someone I could trust to be at my sons' school and will protect them for us incase of anything happening at the school.

"Bye bye mama," the boys said at the same time as both Aros and Tanner walked over to give me and Gia both a kiss, "see you soon."

"See you soon, love you," I said as I gave them each a kiss on the cheek making them beam.

"Love you too, mama" The exclaimed before giving Asher and Gabe a hug as well before they were off with Gio. I smiled and looked down at the four month old and noticed she was asleep, so after telling the little ones to not open the door to anyone, I walked down the hall towards Gia's nursery and laid her down making sure she was comfortable and that there was nothing that could cause her harm, I leaned down and pressed a kiss to her chubby cheek before grabbing the baby monitor and turning it on along with the one by her crib.

"Sleep tight love," I whispered before walking out of her room and went back to the living room just as there was a knock on the door. I looked at the screen and furrowed my brows at the stranger.

"Asher, Gabe," I whispered making them look up at me with filtered heads, "here." I called them towards me as another knock sounded. How the hell did he get through all that security? I dialed Jonah's number as the stranger continued to knock on the door.

"I know you're in there, Nico," he said making me tense as I recognized his voice. What was Josh doing here? How did get through security?

"Nico? Are you in the apartment? Is the front door locked?" Jonah asked without even questioning why I was calling.

"Yes," I whispered as I held the boys closer as the knock only got louder as Josh got angrier.

"Good, don't open the door to anyone, we got a notification that someone trespassed." Arrow's voice sounded on the other line and I raised a brow.

"I know," I whispered, "he's here and is knocking on the door, yelling for me to open the door." Jonah and Arrow cursed. Nails on the wooden floors sounded a moment later as both Kaluah and Astro began barking at the door standing in front of us. The knock stopped and I looked at the screen to see Josh freeze as he looked at the door. Both dogs didn't stop their barking not even when Gia began crying through the baby monitor and I cursed but ran to the nursery to get her with the boys following behind me. Josh started pounding on the door again not caring that there were dogs barking on the other side of the door.

"Go to your room, Nico and take the kids and the dogs with you and lock the door and then go into the secret room that Gio has in the closet and lock that door as well." Arrow instructed, "we are under attack."

I felt my heart race in my chest at his words, "we have reason to believe that Josh is working with whoever decided to attack the den."

I could hear shouting and gunfire on the other end of the line followed by curses and screams.

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