34. Gio

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September 11, 2022 (week 6 of pregnancy)

Nico decided to get his blood drawn but also he didn't want to know the baby's sex so Kenzie said that she'll give the results to Summer or Lilly as Nico trusted them as much as he trusted Celine. Of course Nico and I will be speaking with them to let them know that they're in charge of the gender reveal once we get the results back which she said won't be for another four days.

"The girls are going to be excited to know the they'll be in charge of the gene reveal once we get the results." Nico grinned as we made our way upstairs to he main floor before heading to the living room.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Tanner yelled with a grin when he saw us walk in. Cam and Arrow were having a wrestling match on the floor with Aros playing referee. We watched the scene before us with raised brows and then looked at each other brote shaking our heads in amusement. Cam and Arrow looked up from the floor and waved. Arrow had Cam in a chokehold his face turning red from lack of oxygen. I rolled my eyes and turned to the boys.

"Have you eaten yet?" I asked and they nodded.

"Uncles gave us popcown and skiwwles," Tanner replied as he pointed at the two empty bowls of snacks on the coffee table. I closed my eyes and sighed.

"Popcorn and skittles, really?" Nico asked looking at the idiots now sitting on the floor looking sheepish at being ratted out, "they're kids not grown men that need to have their fix of junk food on a daily."

"We're sorry Donna," They muttered in unison at being told off by their pregnant Donna. "It won't happen again, we promise."

"Once in a while is fine, guys," Nico said with his hands on his hips, "but they're snacks. Not food, understood?"

"Yes, Donna," they replied nodding and Nico sighed.

"Good," he stated before long down at the boys, "now come on you two, time for lunch."

"Okay, mama." They replied and held each of our hands as we made our way to the stairs to head up to our apartment.


"Do you think it's early to think of baby names?" Nico asked as he climbed into bed beside me later that night and I shook my head. He bit his lip and nodded, "I was thinking we can start thinking of names."

"And what names have you thought of?" I asked as I sat the book I was reading down on the night stand as he cuddled against me with his head on my chest.

"Since we don't know whether it'll be a boy or girl, I was looking through baby book names for unisex names," he replied and I hummed, "but there were a few names that I liked that were for boys and girls."

"Lets hear it," I said and he looked up and I smiled, "we might have thought of the same names."

"Were you reading one of my baby name books?" He asked with a grin and I nodded, "well I really liked the name Giavanna." I blinked and looked down at his and he bit his lip as he looked up. That was close to my mother's name. I swallowed the lump in my throat as I blinked the tears that threatened to spill. "I wanted the baby, if it was a girl to have your mother's name but with an 'a'. We don't have to name the baby that though." He quickly added but I shook my head and sniffled.

"I think that's a beautiful name," I cleared my throat when my voice cracked and he sat up, "what other name did you think of?"

He frowned and I could see that he wanted to say something but I pressed a kiss to his lips and smiled, "names, love, what other names did you pick?"

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