61. Nico

814 30 2

December 13,2023

It's crazy to think that in just ten days it'll be a year since Gia was born and since the whole incident with Declan happened. In that time, Jackie has met and married a wonderful man by the man of Andrew—a gang member that had been undercover for a few years when I moved in with Gio and why I never met him until recently—who has been a wonderful father for Dawson and that little boy absolutely adored his stepfather. I never really cared for what happened to Declan after he shot me resulting in the premature birth of my daughter at 20 weeks.

But now as I sit here watching her and her brothers playing with building blocks, I can't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the life I have now.

After the shooting, I didn't know if Gia would survive, let alone thrive. But here she is, a healthy and happy baby girl, surrounded by a loving family.

I know there are days where Jackie beats herself up for wha their ex-husband did, but I don't blame her nor does Gio. She didn't think Declan would actually go to such extremes of violence towards her and their son. Declan had been one of Gio's best snipers in the gang before he decided to take his anger on his wife and son which resulted in Gio, Arrow and Cam stepped in.

I shook my head and decided to get dinner started since Gio would be arriving soon from seeing the progress of the former gang den. Gio said that the house will be there meeting place. It's taken him nearly a year to rebuild his former home.

Before going to the kitchen to get dinner started, I made sure that the boys and Gia were okay and then I grabbed everything I would need for dinner. As I chopped and sautéed the vegetables for the stir-fry, I could hear the boys playing with their toys and Gia babbling and squealing to herself in the living room. I smiled to myself, feeling grateful for my beautiful family.

When I had decided to leave London when I was 18, I never thought that I would find someone that would love me for me and protect me nor have a family. I always thought that my life would be plagued with fear of Patrick finding me and forcing me to return with him or worse, being sold to another one of his clients. Gio has been such a blessing and it's as if my parents had sent him to me along with our children.

Strong arms wrapped around my waist making me jump as I hadn't heard the door open. "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you." I looked over my shoulder at my husband who gave me a quick kiss on the cheek, "I called you but it seemed you wee lost in thought."

I smiled and leaned into his embrace, grateful for the warmth and comfort of his presence. "Yeah, I guess I was just thinking," I admitted.

"About?" He probed as he pulled back while I turned back to the stove.

"About everything that's happened since I came here." I replied, leaning over más shitting the stove off since the food was done. "It's been almost 2 years since I came here and in those two years so much has happened."

"I know what you mean," he agreed, "it's insane to think about how much times has passed since we met and got together too."

I hummed as I walked over to him and he gently pulled me against him before pressing a kiss to my stomach where our baby was growing, "you've made me a better man, you know that?"

"I'd that so?" I asked and he looked up and nodded.

"Yes," he nodded, "before you or the kids, all my focus was on getting revenge—which don't get me wrong I'm still doing—but I never really cared about anything else but eve since I saw you in that little cafe in tow the first time, I just wanted to protect you, and make you happy which I didn't understand why until I saw Patric and what he did to you."

I'll Always Choose You #Watty's2023Where stories live. Discover now