6. Gio

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I watched as Nico's chest rose and fell with every inhale and exhale of breath as he clutched onto my shirt tightly. He looked peaceful. His brows were relaxed as soft puffs of air left his slightly parted lips. It was a complete 180 from the first night he was here. He was restless, always tossing and turning.
Whimpering in his sleep. Eyebrows furrowed and a look of fear mared his face even in his sleep. And I knew the reason why he was so terrified. I didn't have to be in his dreams to know that he was dreaming of his life with Patrick.

Arriving at the warehouse was no walk in the park. It was located on an isolated part of Brooklyn with shipping containers littering everywhere which made it difficult to get into the station. Not only that but the place was fully surrounded by men in suits carrying guns. After I had looked through Patrick's file, I learned that he worked for a small rival gang of mine that is located just outside of Brooklyn. And seeing these men surrounding the abandoned station only angered me more.

"How many men are there " I questioned Cameron who was sat beside me in the car

"From what Delta, Carlos, and Jacob, informed, there are no more than 45 outside," he answered before pulling up a blueprint of the inside, clicking here and there before zooming in on the inside, "there is only one room inside that used to be a kitchen area in the '60s and it has 4 guards on watch"

I clenched my jaw as I watched the screen knowing Patrick had Nico inside, "Have Jaden, Lucian, Marvin and Mark ready to take them out once Carlos, Delta, and Jacob get rid of the guards outside with the help of their teams," he nodded and sending them all a group message to be ready at my command which would be stepping out and firing the first shot. I scanned the location for a way in once the guards were down before getting out of the car, "you keep looking for ways to reach the room that Patrick is keeping Nico hostage in"

"On it"

Chaos ensued the second I fired of my gun gaining the attention of the guards near the entrance. I smirked as I walked towards them and they drew their weapons ready to fire back only to fall to the ground with bullet holes in the center of their foreheads. I looked up and smirked when I saw Aileen, one of my few snipper women on the roof of a nearby building. She stood back and gave me a thumbs-up as a way to say she had my back. I nodded before turning back to the guards.

"Move out of the way or you'll be the next to go down," I said to one of the few remaining guards standing in front of me holding his gun

"I'd rather die than allow you to get through," he said cocking his gun ready to shoot only to follow in his fallen comrades' shoes and falling to the ground with a hole on his forehead and wide eyes

"Well you did say you'd rather die so" I shrugged stepping over his dead body, his fellow guards stood still not knowing what to do but also not moving out of the way, "move" they exchanged glances but didn't budge and I sighed in exasperation, "if you don't move you will also die so either get out of my way, or I will put bullets in you"

The next thing I knew is I see a balled-up fist aiming for my face but I dodged it easily grabbing the asshole huh the arm and twisting it around his back making him scream as his shoulder dislocated from its socket but also because I broke his wrist by bending it at an odd angle. I pushed him away from me and dodged another blow before the bastard fell to the ground gurgling as blood seeped from his mouth and throat where it was sliced. I looked up and saw Cameron holding his left arm out which only indicated he was the one who had thrown the ninja blade.

"Can't have you having all the fun now can we?" He asked with a smirk as he walked towards me and the other four guards making me chuckle,

"I'm guessing you were able to get a way to reach the room Patrick is holding Nico?" I asked dodging punches and kicks before retaliating knocked the assholes out

I'll Always Choose You #Watty's2023Where stories live. Discover now