24. Gio

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A knock on my office door made me look up from the paperwork I had been looking through to see Cameron and raised a brow waiting for him to say something. And when he did, I felt my blood boil.

"Miss Sabina called and said that Tanner's maternal grandparents want to take him,"

I clenched my jaw and slammed the folder shut, "They gave him up when their daughter got arrested and now they want him back? Fuck that."

I reached for the phone and dialed the woman's number and she picked up on the second ring, "Thank you for calling Children's Home Society & Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota, Sabina Nicoles speaking,"

"I've been told that Tanner's maternal grandparents want to take him," I stated going straight to the point making her gasp

"Mr. D'Angelo," she said and I could hear shuffling in the other end before a door being shut was heard, "I tried calling you earlier today but you weren't available to speak so I told your secretary to give you my message. And yes, that's true but there was also something else I wanted to tell you." I furrowed my brows and waited for her to continue, "I found it strange that Tanner's maternal grandparents wanted to take him."

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that these people weren't his grandparents. Maternal nor paternal." She replied making my frown deepen in confusion at her words, "which can only mean that these people were part of the ring of child traffickers from where Tanner had been rescued from." I clenched my jaw at her words. They actually had the audacity to to turn up to the Children's Home and tell Sabina that they were his grandparent. They had the fucking nerve. "Something was off with them the moment they asked about Tanner. They were fidgety and kept looking everywhere as if making sure they weren't being seen or heard. They didn't realize that I had security cameras in my office and I as recording our meeting."

"Why call me and not the police when you realized this?" I asked as any sane person would have called the cops if they suspected a couple to being part of a ring of child traffickers.

"Because I know who you are Mr. D'Angelo. And I know that you off all people would protect both Tanner and Aros better than anyone else. Specially Tanner now that you know that his traffickers are looking for him." Her words took me by surprise as I had never mentioned to her as to who I was or what I did for a living. "Mr. D'Angelo, I know that you will keep him safe and not let those people hurt him again."

"Why do you say that, Miss Nicoles?" I asked with a raised brow as I looked up at Cameron who nodded as he got onto his computer and began typing on it

"You're the most feared gang leaders in New York, Mr. D'Angelo," she answered, "And people like those two that came to my office yesterday are afraid of people like you more so then they are of the police."

"Rest assured that they won't be getting Tanner." I stated and she thanked me before we bid our farewells, I turned to Cameron and said, "Did you hack the security cameras from the Children's home?"

He nodded and turned his laptop around, "I had to skip a lot of footage until I found the video of Miss Sabina with Tanner's alleged grandparents,"

I looked at the screen and sure enough, there they were. Two people that have been on my radar for the past four months and clenched my jaw, "I want you to hack into every CCTV until you are able to find their location,"

"I'm already on it," he said and I nodded, "I'll let you know once I find them."

He left soon after typing away on his laptop before pulling out his phone and dialing a number. I stared after him for a moment before shaking my head. After all these years that kid still surprises me with his multitasking skills.

I turned back to computer when I got an email from Cameron—the images that I had only just seen a few moments ago.

I leaned on my chair and just stared at the image. Robert and Samantha Adams, two of the most disgusting human beings that I've ever come across and I've come across plenty of vile people like them but they take the icing on the cake.

"I can't wait to finally get rid of you both once and for all,"


"I got their location," Cameron said walking into the kitchen where I was currently preparing dinner while Nico got the boys ready. I put down the knife and turned to him, "I got a text from Carson saying that he and Arrow saw them getting off a cab downtown,"

"So they're here," I said and he nodded, "have them track them to their hideout,"

"Already on it," Cameron said, "Arrow sent me this." He held his phone out towards me and showed me the picture Arrow had sent and I felt my jaw tick.

"They're in one of my warehouses," I stated and Cam winced, "I wanted them captured as of this morning,"

I was pissed. How dare they fucking break into my warehouse? Are they that desperate to die?

"Arrow is already getting the guys that are near by ready to ambush them," Cameron said as I tossed turned the stove off and stormed out of the kitchen nearly colliding with Nico and the boys.

"Woah, where's the fire?" Nico asked but one look at my face had him putting Tanner on the floor and ushering him and Aros off to the living room to watch cartoons before dinner. "What's going on? Is this about that call you had this morning with Sabina?"

I nodded and he bit his lip but I cupped his cheek, "They won't be getting anywhere near Tanner or anyone else,"

"Be careful," he murmured and I nodded, kissed his forehead before nodding at Cameron to following behind, "Cameron,"

Cam looked back at Nico as I stood by the door, "You better bring him home to me and our boys in one piece, you hear me?"

"You have my word, Donna."

I'll Always Choose You #Watty's2023Where stories live. Discover now