31. Nico

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I frowned as I looked at the little calendar on my night stand to see that it was September 1st. and I still haven't gotten my period. Yes, believe it or not, I also go through the same thing women do all thanks to my extra chromosome that makes it possible for me to bare children. I don't think I ever mentioned that before have I? Well here it goes, ever since I turned 12 I began experiencing terrible cramps and see spotting on my underwear. It fucking terrified me and so with out Patrick knowing, I looked it up and imagine my surprise and fear at what I read.

So since I had been born with both male and female sex organs, but identify as male despite that, I had a high chance of having my period like any other female. I started looking up apps that would bell me keep track of my periods and every month I knew that I needed to be careful. Patrick never found out about me gong through that or else he would've knocked me up or had someone do it. I shudder at the mere thought of that happening and shook my head.

I pulled out my phone and opened the app that kept track of my cycle to see that I was a week late. I felt my eyes widen at that. Shit, shit. What do I do?  I felt my throat clog as tears filled my eyes. What it Gio finds me gross after I tell him? I've mentioned it to him about me being born with both male and female sex organs but he never said anything nor make a show of him being disgusted with that but what if he reacts differently if I tell him I'm late? He already knew about me having my cycle and was always preoccupied and to date with my cycle. And he was always attentive when ever I had really bad ones like a few weeks before our wedding.

"Mama?" Tanner's small voice called from the door making me swallow and put the device away in my pocket before taking a deep breath and letting it out before wiping ny eyes. I plastered on a smile before pulling the door open and looking down at him to se whom blinking up at me with a cute little frown.

"Yes, love?" I asked as I stepped out of the bathroom before reaching down to pick him up, "And where is your brother?" He pointed down the hall towards the living room where I heard the familiar opening song for Scooby-Doo. I swear that boy loves getting spooked and mysteries. I shook my head and carried Tanner down the hall, "Did you have a nice nap?" He nodded resting his new son my shocker before sticking his thumb into his mouth and sucking on it. He recently picked up on that habit and Gio and I have tried to get him out of it but according to Doctor Kenzie, it's normal for toddlers to pick up habits they've never had before and that he'll let it go once he reaches five which won't be for another couple months.

"Mama cwying?" He suddenly asked, not taking this thumb out of his mouth, making me look down at him a si placed him into his high chair in order to get lunch started. "why?"

He tilted his head in question making me smile, "Mama's just feeling a little sick." I replied and he frowned, "But don't worry, darling, nothing that a ham sandwich can't cure." I said as I walked over to the fridge to take out the bread, had, cheese and lettuce to mark the sandwich but the moment I did, I gagged. I slammed the door shut before making a bee lien to the bathroom and throwing the door open before practically burying my head in the bowl and throwing up. I heard the door to Gio's office door open as I threw up what little I had eaten today. I also heard little feet running towards me before before much louder ones joined him.

"Mama?" Aros asked from the door at the ame was Gio asked


I only groaned as I felt vile once again come up my throat and splash onto the bowl. Gio whispered something to Aros before the six year old was walking away to be with Tanner who was still in his chair.

My poor baby. He's probably so confused and scared at my sudden departure.

"You've been throwing up none stop for several weeks now, Nico," Gio said as he walked in and rubbed my back making me whine pre as my eyes sting due to the smell. I leaned back again his knees as he was sitting on the edge of the tub and closed ny eyes, "I only ever seen you like this a few times when you had food poisoning and the flu."

I'll Always Choose You #Watty's2023Where stories live. Discover now