18. Gio

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"Hello Robert," I greeted the male across from me with a smirk making him glare my way. "Did you really think that I'd never find the man responsible for the death of my family?"

"I should've killed you when I had the chance," he snarled.

"Now's your chance," I said as I placed my gun on the table beside me and opening my arms, "or are you only bark and no bite?" He sneered and fired his gun only for it to jam making me raise a brow, "I thought you'd be more prepared than that."

"Shut up!" He yelled and I could tell I was getting under his skin by the way his chest rose and fell with his breathing making me smile. He shook and hit the barrel of his gun in hopes that the gun will do its job—and shoot me, but it didn't. I sighed in boredom and decided to sit on the chair behind me and waited for him to gets his gun to cooperate with him.

"You're fucking enjoying this aren't you, Gio?" Cam's voice rang through the earpiece and I could imagine him smirking, I tilted my head as an answer and heard him laugh. I had my gang camp around the warehouse where Arrow had found Robert was hiding. After hearing his name I wanted to find him and kill him for the deaths of my family. But what fun would that be if I ended it quickly? Hence why I was playing with him and egging him on wanting him to pull the trigger that could potentially take my life or rather injure me enough for him to escape—but I don't think that's gonna happen anytime soon.

"I'm getting tired," I said making Robert glance my way from working on getting his gun fixed, "you killed my family after hours of torturing them and yet you can't seem to finish me off, as you claim you'll do."

I looked at my watch and sighed, "Cam, shoot."

A loud bang echoed through the warehouse before Robert was crumbling to the ground holding his injured leg with a shout, "awe man, I was aiming for his fucking head," I rolled at my cousin's words before standing up from the chair and walking toward the bastard that sat on the ground holding his injured leg, "you're pathetic," he looked up with dark eyes but I just smiled before lifting my foot and bringing it down on his leg watching in satisfaction as he wailed in pain trying to get time off, "you know,I'm going to have so much fun torturing the fuck out of you."

"Have fun killing him," Arrow chimed before I heard a collection of screams as he and the rest entered the other side of the warehouse where Robert's accomplices were. Gun shots echoed throughout the building making me turn back to my victim.

I took a knife from my pocket before crouching to his level and slicing his face making him hiss, "Remember this? You did the exact same thing to my mother when she begged you to leave her and my sister alone after killing my father."

"He was a coward,"he spat with a chuckle, "he couldn't even protect his wife and daughter."

"He's nothing like you," I said and he glared at me while I cut the other side of his face making him jerk away but I held his face and glared down at him, "my father was an honorable man that died at the hands of who he thought was his right hand."

"He didn't deserve to be the leader of the gang," he stated as he got free from my grasp, "I should've killed him a long time before he got married to your mother."

"You loved her yet she never looked at you the way she looked at my father. She saw you as a brother and friend. My sister and I saw you as family but you betrayed that by killing them. You're a sick bastard. You raped and tortured a 2 year old little girl who saw you as her uncle and all because you were jealous that my father got the family you've always wanted to have with my mother." I slammed the knife on his chest making him scream.

"Please, stop," he begged but I ignored his pleas as I brought the knife down over and over in every piece of his flesh.

"And you're even more pathetic than I remembered you to be by threatening me to take Nico,"his eyes widened at my words making me grin, no doubt making me look insane with blood covering my face from the stabbings. "You really thought I'd never find you? That I'd never find the man responsible for the deaths of my family? For the threat on Nico?"

I'll Always Choose You #Watty's2023Where stories live. Discover now