8. Gio

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"Doors open" I called whoever knocked and the door opened a second later but still I didn't see who it was so I said, "whatever it may be it can wait."

"Um, sorry," at the sound of Nico's voice I looked up to see him fiddling with a string of his jumper, "I didn't mean to int-"

"No, you're fine. Sorry for what I said. Is there something you needed?" I asked and he shyly looked up making me forget about what I was doing a second ago as my heart swelled in my chest. No man or woman has ever made me feel the way he does and he doesn't even know the power he holds over me with just one single look. I had tried and failed to let anyone into my heart after my last relationship but there was something about Nico that made me think that perhaps there was still a chance of having a perfect relationship with someone who didn't care about how much money I had in my bank. I know he's afraid since he's new to all of this. Being in a gang or knowing someone who's in a gang can be terrifying so I didn't hold it against him. He had all the reasons to be afraid.

"I, um, I was actually wondering if you would like to come to my dance performance next Friday, the 20th" he replied making me blink in surprise. I knew he was back in dance classes but I didn't know that he was doing competitions let along performances. I've seen him dancing when he thinks no sees and damn it, did he move like an angel. His body moved in ways that took my breath away.

"What time?" I asked making him blink in surprise at my question and it can only mean he didn't think I would ask. He just stood in the threshold looking lost which made me chuckle, "I'm asking so I know when to clear my schedule. So again, what time is your performance at?"

"It's, it's at 9 pm" he replied and I nodded, "you don't have to go if you're busy. I just though I'd ask."

"Thank you for asking, I'll be sure to clear my schedule by 8:00 so I'll have enough time to get to your campus" I said and he nodded fiddling again with his oversized jumper making him look like a little kid. He was stunning to say the least. His hair had grown remarkably since he started living here. He wasn't as shy as he had been when I met him but he was still shy around other people that he didn't quite know that well. He was also more open and was happier. Jonah had explained that when he had moved here for the UK that Nico was quiet barely spoke to anyone and the the has coarse him when they began hanging out.

"Um, I'll let you get back to your work," he said and before I could reply he was gone with the door softly closing behind him making me shake my head with a smile. This boy is going to the be the death of me.


The 20th arrived quicker than I thought but as I promised, by 8 I was done with my paper work and heading towards Nico's campus to watch him perform for the first time.

I reached the academy a few minutes later and climbed out of my car before making my way up the steps of the nearly full building. All eyes turned towards me with fear, fascination and wonder but I paid them no mind as I walked towards the reception desk and asked where the auditorium was. After she pointed me in the right direction, I made my way there. As I did, I saw frames of the students in different outfits. I stopped in front of one that caught my attention and saw Nico. And damn it all, he looked even more breathtaking then ever. He had on black dance pants, a white button down shirt with the top three buttons undone and ballet shoes. His hair was disheveled meaning that this photo had been taken moments after he had danced.

I shook my head and continued waking down until I reached the auditorium. I could hear people talking inside and walked in, ignoring the looks sent my way. I stood in the back looking in every direction for any threat that may jump out. The lights soon dimmed and the taking stopped as soft music filled the air. The red curtains opened revealing a group of dancers in marching outfits-the same one Nico had on in his picture- and as the music began to increase in volume, the dancers moved with it. Their movements like water. But my attention wasn't on any of them but instead was on the one person who has managed to crawl his way into my heart and has begun to tear the walls I had built around me.

I was mesmerized by him.

Every fiber of my being was enchanted by him.

I don't wanna be sad forever
I don't wanna go one more day
I just wanna wake up and realize
Everything's gonna be okay
I don't know what words to say and
I don't wanna go through that war
I don't wanna be sad
I don't wanna be sad
I don't wanna be sad anymore

I felt tears build in my eyes at the lyrics but all I could do was stare at him moving to the melody like an angel sent from above to cure people's pain.

"You're hurting," he had once said as we sat in the garden of the Den making me look over at him frowning.

"What makes you think that?" I had asked and he gave me this look, a look that could see right through me and I had advert my eyes from him

"It's in your eyes, Gio. There's this longing for something. I don't know what it is you're looking for but I promise you'll find it" he replied before falling silent. We sat there in the garden as flowers swayed with the soft breeze of the Summer air. The sky had not a single cloud in the sky and the sun was bright. Birds were chirping from tree tops and in the distance I could hear the echo of gun shots as my gang trained.

And now here I was standing in the a dark auditorium watching him dance to the most beautiful song I had ever heard though I knew it was a cover of the original.

"One day you will find the right person who will break those walls you've built around yourself and when that time comes, let them. Let them through for they will show you a whole new world outside of these walls"

I closed my eyes as my mother's voice echoed in my head. It's been so long since she said that that I had nearly forgotten them. We had been taking about something that I can't remember what it was, but she had a soft smile on her face. It has been two weeks before she and my sister were killed.

Maybe, just maybe, she was right. It only took the right person to tear them down and he doesn't even know it.

The loud clapping broke me out of my thoughts and I realized that the performance was done and that Nico's group were bowing down before running off stage. They were the first of five or so performances of the night. I followed a group of people that were making their way towards the backstage most likely to congratulate their loved ones. I saw Nico standing on his own in the back. I made my way over but stopped a few feet away when a guy a little older than him approached.

"You were terrible. I don't know what the teacher sees in you. You should quit the academy when you still have the chance, Nico." The male said making Nico tense and my jaw to clench at his words. He smirked and looked up, his eyes widening when he saw me which had Nico looking over his shoulder his eyes widening in happiness as a smile graced his face

"You really came," he said voice soft as velvet

"I did say I would, didn't I?" I replied before turning to the male who made Nico upset, "you should heed your own advice. I've seen you once or twice before when I came to pick Nico up from practice and I've got to say, you are a nightmare. It's no surprise the teacher didn't ask you to perform"

He clenched his jaw before storming away leaving Nico and I behind to stare after his retreating form.

"Are you dancing again or are you done?" I asked

"I'm done," he replied

"Perfect" I said and grabbed his hand and led him out of the backstage and out of the building and into my car

"Where are we going?" He asked

"To celebrate"

I'll Always Choose You #Watty's2023Where stories live. Discover now