65. Nico

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I woke to an empty yet still warm bed, a familiar sensation that meant my husband had gotten up not too long ago. Rubbing my eyes, I glanced at the clock on the nightstand, which read 7:30 am. I stretched my limbs and let out a yawn, wondering where he could be at this hour.

Curiosity fueled my every step as I made my way downstairs, my bare feet gently grazing the cool wooden floor. The scent of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, leading me directly to the kitchen. To my surprise, I found Gio standing by the stove, flipping pancakes with finesse.

"Good morning, love," Gio greeted me with a smile, his eyes sparkling with of love. "I thought I'd surprise you with breakfast in bed, but it seems you beat me to it."

I smiled as I walked over to give him a kiss on the lips before noticing that the house was awfully quiet for it being almost 8. "Where are the kids?"

Gia is in the living room, watching Cocomelon," Gio said, pointing towards the other room. "As for the boys, they're still sound asleep. I figured we could enjoy a quiet breakfast together, just the two of us."

"Asher and Gabe I get but why aren't Aros and Tanner up? They have school in an hour."

"Their school is closed for the next few days," he said and I furrowed my brows, "apparently we're expecting a snow storm soon so they called earlier."

My eyes widened with excitement as I looked out the window. The sky was already turning grey, and large snowflakes began to dance in the air. I had always loved snowstorms. There was something magical about the way the world transformed into a glistening wonderland, blanketed in pure white.

"So we have a quiet house for ourselves until there decide it's time to wake up," Gio said.

"I like the sound of that," I grinned as we sat on the island while we listened to Gia's giggles coming from the adjacent room from us.

Tanner and Asher were the first ones to come into view as we were putting away the clean dishes to make room the next pile that were in the sink ready to be washed.

"Good morning, boys," I smiled as they walked in rubbing their eyes tirelessly.

"Morning mama, daddy," they mumbled around a yawn, "hungry."

I chuckled as Gio grabbed a plate for them and filled them up with chopped fruity, pancakes and whipped cream. Their eyes lit up like Christmas lights at the sight and rushed over and climbed onto their chairs thanking Gio for the meal before digging in.

Slowly but steadily the house became livelier as Aros and Gabe joined their bothers at the table and dug into their own food. And around that time, snow had begun to fall. The yard outside was already covered in white.

"Guessing no one is crazy to go out in this storm to train," I said looking at the snow covered fields behind the house.

"I sent them a message telling them to train in the indoor gyms until the storm stops," he said and I nodded, as I subconsciously rubbed my belly where our newest member of the family was growing and smiled.

As the day progressed, we enjoyed the warmth and coziness of our home. We played board games, watched Disney movies  and enjoyed cups of hot cocoa by the fireplace. The laughter and joy filled every corner of the house.

As the night grew late, and the snowstorm showed no signs of relenting, we tucked the kids into their beds,
bundled in blankets and pillows. Gio and I snuggled under the covers, our bodies warmed by the love that permeated our home.

Listening to the soft hush of the falling snow outside, I closed my eyes and sighed deeply. This unexpected day of stillness and joy had reminded me of the beauty in simplicity and the power of love to turn ordinary moments into extraordinary ones. And as I drifted off to sleep, I couldn't help but feel excited for the adventures that tomorrow, and every day, would bring.


Gio and I were woken up early the next morning by our overly excited 6-year-old jumping on our bed. "Up, up," Tanner cried in excitement, "we want to play outside in the snow." His enthusiastic voice echoed throughout the room, jolting us awake.

We looked up to see our other three sons standing at the door tiredly watching Tanner. I smiled, knowing that he may have woken them up just before us. I could hear Gia's soft breath coming from the baby monitor, meaning that Tanner had at least let her sleep.

"Did you wake your brothers up?" I asked with a tired smile as I looked at all three of my boys, their hair disheveled and practically falling asleep against each other.

"No?" Tanner replied, though it came out as a question rather than a statement.

"Mama, tired," Gabe whined, and I could tell he was seconds away from bursting into a crying fit. Gio got out of bed and picked him up before carrying him to our bed.

"Tanner, it's too early to be awake," I said, running my fingers through his hair as Gabe nestled beside me and instantly fell asleep. Soon Asher and Aros were also climbing into bed with us and going back to sleep.

"But I want to play in the snow," Tanner whined with a pout.

"And the snow will be there when we wake up in a few hours," Gio said as he grabbed our early riser, causing him to burst into a fit of giggles that had his brothers grumbling and swatting at him.

"Shh," I whispered, and he giggled, covering his mouth before he nestled in between Aros and Gabe.

As the sun rose higher in the sky, casting a beautiful golden glow over our backyard, our boys finally woke up, eager to go outside and enjoy the winter wonderland. We bundled them up in warm winter coats, hats, scarves, and gloves, making sure they were well-protected from the cold.

Once outside, their excitement grew even more tangible. Tanner immediately started building a snowman, his small hands carefully packing the snow together to form the body. Asher and Aros joined him, rolling and compacting the snow, creating a bigger base for the snowman. With Gabe and Gia being the youngest ones of our kids, decided to simply enjoy the snow, lying down and making snow angels while giggling with delight.

Gio and I stood back and watched, marveling at the joy on our children's faces. The cold winter air nipped at our noses, leaving a rosy tint on our cheeks, but it was all worth it to see the happiness in our boys' eyes.

After the snowman was complete, the boys decided to have a snowball fight. They formed teams, Asher and Aros against Tanner and Gabe. Snowballs flew through the air, squeals of laughter filling the air. Gio and I joined in, our competitive spirits emerging as we playfully aimed snowballs at each other.

As the day wore on, exhaustion began to seep in. The boys' energy started to wane, their playful movements becoming slower and more deliberate. We decided to retreat inside for a warm cup of hot cocoa and some homemade chocolate chip cookies.

Back in the cozy living room, the boys curled up on the couch, their damp hair still slightly frozen from their snow-filled adventures. They eagerly sipped their hot cocoa, warming their cold hands on the mugs, while Gio read them a book.

As the evening settled in, Tanner yawned and cuddled up to Gio. One by one, the other boys followed suit, resting their heads on my lap or Gio's shoulder. Their eyelids grew heavy, and soon they drifted off to sleep, their breaths soft and rhythmic. Gia had been the first one to fall asleep as soon as we walked inside so I had taken her rio to her crib.

As I looked at my sleeping family, I felt a sense of contentment wash over me. This day, filled with laughter, play, and love, was a reminder of what truly mattered. The bond we shared as a family, the memories we created together, and the joys of simple moments was what made life worth living.

And as I gently brushed a lock of hair away from Tanner's sleeping face, I silently thanked the universe for blessing me with these beautiful souls, for allowing me to experience the wonders of parenthood, and for reminding me of the importance of embracing the magic in every moment.

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