39. Nico

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November 27, 2022 (week 17 of pregnancy)

"So I was thinking," I said I walked into Gio's office and he looked up with a raised brow and I smiled, "since today is thanksgiving, that we could maybe have have dinner tonight?" He blinked before frowning, "I know it's sudden. With everything that's happened I didn't plan anything nor did I think about having a get together with everyone."

He pursed his lips as he leaned against his leather chair and crossed his arms.

"Who would be cooking?" He asked and I blinked surprised that he was actually considering it and smiled.

"Me of course with the help of the girls and Cam." I replied and he nodded, "they will be doing the heavy lifting while I will be doing the light stuff like baking and stuff."

"Alright, I don't see why we can't have our first thanksgiving," he replied with a smile making me grin and run over to him and pepper kisses all over this face which had him laughing.

"You're the absolute best," I grinned looking down at him with a smile and he grinned cupping the back of my neck and bringing me down before pressing our lips in a soft kiss making my heart race in my chest as butterflies swarmed in my stomach.

"I'll help, let me finish this and I'll join you in the kitchen," he replied and I beamed before nodding pressing another kiss on his lips before climbing off his lap and running—well more like waddling—out of his office.

"So what did he say?" Cam asked once I met him and the girls in the kitchen and I grinned.

"Yes, so what are we making?" I asked looking at all four of them and they grinned before they started shouting out different dishes and I nodded.

"Alright, so we have all the ingredients that we'll need for that?" I asked and they shrugged before turning to the pantry to rummage through to see if we had the ingredients that they'll need for their dishes.

"I made a list of what I'll need," Ariel said and the others nodded as well, "so while we are out, why don't you start on baking that pie you said you wanted to make?" I nodded and with that the four left me to my own devices in the kitchen.

Tanner and Aros soon came running into the kitchen and beamed upon seeing me, "hi mama!"

"Hi lovelies," I chuckled, "would you like to help me bake a pie?" Their eyes brightened and nodded, "alright then, let's wash your hands first before we begin."

"Okay, mama"


Gio, true to his words, joined me and the boys in the kitchen to bake cookies and pies while Cam, Ariel, Summer and Jonah helped with cooking the turkey, mashed potatoes, ham and set the dinning room and telling the gang that we were hosting a dinner for thanksgiving and to bring their families.

The house was filled to the capacity with all of Gio's gang members and their families. Tanner and Aros met with their little friends aside from Darion's son who was sitting on his own in the corner while his parents spoke amongst the crew.

"Aros?" I called my elders and he looked up from what he had been doing and tilted his head before coming over to where I was currently sitting on a stool. The food was still cooking so I decided to stay and watch to make sure nothing burns while the others mingled.

"Yes mama?" He asked and I smiled running my fingers through his hair and he leaned closer closing his eyes. He absolutely loved when I did that. I chuckled and ruffled his hair.

"Why don't you ask Dawson to play?" I asked nodding towards the big sitting alone and Aros frowned, "I know what he did was wrong but he has apologized has he not?" I raised a brow and he bit his lip before nodding, "he doesn't have any friends so why don't you become one?"

"Okay," he mumbled before grabbing my hand and putting it back on his head and rubbing it making me chuckle before I gave him a little head scratch and he hummed in delight. This boy was something else.

"Go on then," I said giving him a little push towards Dawson and Aros sighed. For being seven years old, Aros was mature and I can already see him being a trouble maker once he's older and god help Gio and I when that day comes. I can see those two butting heads. I smiled and shook my head before standing up when the timer went off indicating that the turkey was ready.

"Hey babe?" I called poking my head Aron's the corner getting Gio's attention and he smiled waking over pressing a kiss to my forehead, "can you get the turkey out please? It's done."

He nodded, grabbed the oven mitts and put them on once he had the oven door open before reaching in and pulling out the tray holding the turkey.

"Alright since the turkey's ready, why don't we all make our way to the dinning room?" Gio said as he got the gang's attention and they nodded and made their way to the large dinning room that we only ever used for such events. Aros and Tanner soon joined us as we made our way there with Arrow and Carson pushing the carts with all the food and desserts into the dining room.

Once we had all taking our seats, Gio—who was at the head—stood up gaining our attention as he held a glass of champagne. We looked at him as he liked at everyone sitting around the table.

"I know this dinner was short notice," he began his speech, "but I'm amazed by how you all managed to get everything done in such short time." We smiled as he stood tall and proud scanning the room filled with his family. "Real life isn't always going to be perfect or go our way, but the recurring acknowledgment of what is working in our lives can help us not only to survive but surmount our difficulties."

Cheers erupted around the table at his words but he raised his hand to silence them, "I'd like to take a moment to think of my parents, Giovanna, Santiago and my sister Corina. We're remembering them here today at this table where we've shared so many meals." Solemn looks stared at him at the mention of his deceased parents and sister. " thank you for this day, thank you for each other, thank you for making this day what it is and thank you for all of you just being you! Happy Thanksgiving!"

"CHEERS!" Someone down the table shouted and we all followed suit.

"Happy thanksgiving angel," Gio said as he leaned over and pressed a kiss to my cheek and I smiled.

"Happy thanksgiving love."

I'll Always Choose You #Watty's2023Where stories live. Discover now