53. Nico

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May 12, 2023 ( Gia is 4 months and 20 days old)

"Mama?" I hummed as I looked down at Tanner who had walked into the living room  holding his favorite stuffed animal.

"Baby why are you up so early?" I asked checking the time to see that it was only 6:30 in the morning.

"No sleepy," he replied but a yawn betrayed him making me raise a brow as he began rubbing his eyes. "Daddy?"

"He went to work love," I replied making him frown, a pout forming on his lips.

"Vacation," he replied making me smile as I fixed my hold on Gia who had fallen asleep after eating.

"Yes, but Daddy had to make sure everything was okay when we go home," I said and he nodded. They didn't need to know that we won't be going back to the Den for a while. Gio and I had agreed that we'll call this house home for now until the Den has been rebuilt and he has dealt with the person responsible for the attack.

"Come on, love, let's go back to bed," I said as I stood up from the sofa Gia before extending a hand for him to hold. We made our way down the hall and into mine and Gio's room. I laid Gia in her crib before helping Tanner up onto the bed before climbing in after him. He cuddled into my side as soon as I laid down and I smiled kissing the top of his head. "Sweet dreams, baby."

"Night night mama," he mumbled before soft snores left his lips indicating that he had fallen asleep. I closed my eyes and let sleep take under its wings a moment later.

A few hours later I found myself in the kitchen preparing breakfast for four growing little boys and two guards—Jonah and Micah.

"Alright, food's ready!" I called and rolled my eyes as thundering  footsteps made their way down the hall towards the kitchen.

"Won!" Asher exclaimed as he and Gabe were the first to make it into the kitchen and I smiled.

"Good job," I grinned down at them making the tow younger boys beam, "did you all wash your hands?"

"All clean mama!" Tanner said as he held his hands up and Aros nodded along.

"All clean Donna," Micah teased as he and Jonah held their hands up to show me making me roll my eyes.

"Sit," I chuckled and they all sat down around the table and I placed a plate of food in front of each one before putting Gabe in his high chair with a plate of cut up food in front of him.

"When is daddy coming home, mama?" Aros asked titling his head and I sighed while Jonah and Micah exchanged looks.

"Soon," I replied, but his frown only deepened.

"Why go to work when we on vacation?" He questioned making me smile.

"He just went to make sure everything is okay when it's time for us to go back home," I replied and he nodded before turning back to his food. Jonah, Micah and I exchanged looks before we did the same.


"The boys keep asking when you're coming home," I said down the line when Gio had called. It was noon and all five of their children were down for a nap after all four boys and played outside in the yard with the dogs.

"I'll be home tonight," he replied and I nodded before remembering he couldn't see me, "I know I shouldn't to have left you all back there after the attack."

I'll Always Choose You #Watty's2023Where stories live. Discover now