68. Gio

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June 29,2024 (Valentina is three weeks old)

"So how are preparations for Asher and Gabe's birthdays coming along?" Cam asked as he joined me in the office a few days later after my impromptu day of fun with Nico and the kids. Asher and Gabe were turning four and three in three days and Nico has decided to throw them a little party, much like we did for Tanner, Aros and Gia for their birthdays.

"It's coming along," I said as I leaned in my chair. I've been in the office for the past five hours just going over  financial statements, gang reports and everything else that could come to mind.

"Crazy to think that it's been a year since you took them in," he said and I nodded. "Do they know you're throwing them a party?" Cam asked curiously.

I nodded, a fond smile on my face. "They were the ones who asked if it could be Pokemon-themed since it's their favorite show. They've been talking about it non-stop."

Cam chuckled, knowing how much they adored the Pokemon franchise. "Well, I'm sure they'll have a blast. Nico always goes all out when it comes to parties."

As I thought back to the day we broke them home, I felt anger rush through me in a way it always did when it came my children. Their lives had been filled with uncertainty and fear. I had made a vow the day that we decided to adopt all from of our sons that no harm will ever come their way and as far as I'm concerned I've kept my word. We haven't had any problems since taking Gabe and Asher in a year ago, no one has threatened for take them away like they and down with both Aros and Tanner when we first adopted them.

"You're a good dad, Gio," Cam said breaking me out of my thoughts and I looked at my cousin who has a smile on his face, "it's been a real joy watching you become the father you've always looked up."

"Dad was and will always be the greatest man I've ever known," I told him and Cam nodded.

"True, uncle Santiago may have been the leader of the gang and ruled it with an iron fist, but he was also caring, compassionate and respectful to everyone he met."

I don't know we came to talk about my parents and sister but as we sat in my office, files of paper work forgotten, Cam and I reminisced about our old lives back before  my parents and asked were killed all because of jealousy.

"I think we've done enough talking for now," Cam said after a while, "but it's time to go back to work."

I chuckled and agreed but right then, there was a knock on the door and a distraught Nico stood on the tijeras side of the door making me intensely jump out of my chair and rush to him.

"Love? What's wrong? Is it the boys? The girls? The dogs?" I asked quickly and he sniffled as tears rolled down his cheeks.

"It's uncle Mickey," he whimpered and I frowned blinking, "he's been shot."

I pulled my husband into my arms as he broke down. His tears already soaking through my shirt as he sobbed. Michael Gray was the only parental figure he had left and if he died, it would be a devastating blow to Nico.

"Everything will be alright, angel," I said as I pulled back to wipe his tears away, "your uncle's a strong man and I know he'll pull through."

"I can't lose him too, Gio," he whimpered as more tears spilled from his eyes, "I just got him back and now he's in the hospital fighting for his life."

I looked back at my cousin to already see him typing away at his computer. I didn't have to order Cam to dig up any clues that led to Michael being shot.

"I'll call you as soon as I find anything that could help find who shot him," Cam said as I took Nico upstairs to our apartment.

The days leading up to Asher and Gabe's birthday became a blur of worry and anxiety. The party preparations were put on hold as we focused on supporting Nico and waiting for updates on Michael's condition.

Finally, the day of the party arrived. Despite the heavy atmosphere, we decided to go ahead with the celebration for the boys' sake. We transformed our backyard into a Pokemon wonderland, complete with decorations, themed games, and a special Pokemon-themed cake. Through out the day, I caught a glimpse of Nico trying to put on a brave face. He greeted everyone with a smile and made sure the boys were having a great time, despite the weight on his shoulders.


The next fees days went by in a blur and during that time, Nico has gone to see Michael everyday wanting to make sure that the older male was still alive despite Kenzie's constant reassurances that he'll pull through.  When we learned of the shooting, we had him be transported to the gang's hospital so that Michael could be seen by Kenzie and because I didn't want Nico going out in fear that the person responsible for the shooting would target him this time.

"Have you found anything that will help me figure out who the bastard is that shot Michael?" I asked Cam as he walked into my office laptop in hand.

"I found a few leads that might help us track down the shooter."

Relief washed over me as I leaned forward, eager to hear what he had discovered. "Tell me everything."

Cam opened his laptop and pulled up a series of surveillance footage from the night of the shooting. We watched as a figure clad in black approached Michael outside of his favorite diner. The footage was grainy, but Cam managed to enhance it enough to get a better view of the person's face.

"It's hard to make out the features, but I have a feeling I've seen this person before," Cam said, his eyes scanning the screen intently. "I'm going to run the footage through our facial recognition software to see if we can identify them."

As Cam worked on running the footage, my mind raced with possibilities. Who would want to hurt Michael? And why? I couldn't help but feel a growing anger and determination to bring the shooter to justice. No one messed with my family and got away with it.

A few hours later, Cam's computer beeped, indicating that the facial recognition search was complete. He turned the screen towards me, revealing the person's identity.

I was livid as I looked at Ronan clad in black and a smirk on his face as he held the gun up and shot Michael on the chest causing the male to collapse on the ground.

"I'm going to fucking kill him," I snarled. "Get the gang ready, we're going hunting tonight."

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