64. Gio

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January 9, 2024 (Nico is 19 weeks along)

It had been three months since Nico shared with me the incredible news that we were expecting our sixth child. During this time, we made the decision to keep the news under wraps, mainly because of the challenges we faced with the Ronan situation.

Navigating the aftermath of Ronan had been emotionally draining for both of us. We wanted to shield our unborn child from any potential negativity and protect our family's peace. Therefore, we chose to keep the pregnancy a secret until we felt the time was right to share our joy with the world.

However, during those three months, we had regular doctor appointments to ensure the well-being of our baby. Each visit was filled with anticipation and excitement as we witnessed the miracle of life unfolding. From hearing the baby's heartbeat to seeing the tiny form on the ultrasound screen, these precious moments fueled our love and excitement.

Though it was challenging to keep our pregnancy journey a secret, today was the day we decided to break the news to our loved ones. We had invited our closest friends and family to a gathering in the meeting hall, and the atmosphere was filled with warmth and excitement.

"So what's the big news you wanted to tell us?" Cam asked as he and the rest of the gang gathered around.

Nico smiled as he stood beside me, our kids playing quietly with their toys a few feet away. He took a deep breath and decided to be the bold one. He lifted his shirt, revealing his small baby bump. "We're excited to tell you all that Gio and I are expecting again."

The room erupted in cheers as the gang, our family, congratulated Nico and me on our new baby. Nico pulled his shirt back down, concealing his bump, but his smile beamed with joy.

Jackie, who had gotten close to Nico over the last year, walked over to us with tears in her eyes. "I'm so happy for you both."

"Thank you, Jackie," I replied with a smile as I pulled Nico close, placing a kiss on top of his head. His smile widened as he looked up at me, his eyes glistening with happiness.

Micheal, Nico's uncle, walked over to us then with tears in his eyes as well and said, "I'm so incredibly happy for you both and I know your parents are just as happy for your new baby."

Nico smiled as he rubbed his bump absentmindedly, "thank you uncle Mickey, I'm grateful for the unconditional love and support you've shown Gio and I since we reunited and it has filled my life with so much joy. I know mama and papa are watching over us and rejoicing with the news."

As the gathering continued, the excitement and joy filled the air. The kids were running around, playing in the snow, their laughter echoing through the yard. The sun shone brightly above, casting a warm glow on everyone's faces.

After a delicious meal prepared by our closest friends and family, we gathered together for some games and a little friendly competition. It was a day filled with laughter, love, and celebration.

As the evening drew nearer, the temperature dropped, and we all moved inside. The fireplace crackled, its warmth comforting us as we continued to share stories and create joyful memories. Everyone was eager to know more about the baby, and Nico and I were excited to share the details.

"Any clue on the gender of the baby yet?" Cam asked asked with a mischievous knowing look. We had decided to keep the gender a surprise. It was our way of embracing the mystery and anticipation, allowing us to fully experience the joy of discovery when the baby arrived.

"We're keeping it a surprise," Nico replied, playfully teasing everyone with a secret smile.


Lying in bed late that night, surrounded by the serenity of our home, Nico and I engaged in light-hearted conversation. As we exchanged thoughts and plans, he voiced his concern about the nursery still needing to be set up. I hummed contently, gently nuzzling into his neck, my senses delighting in his comforting scent. Nico chuckled, pushing me playfully away before turning to face me. "Did you just sniff me?" he asked with a mockingly raised eyebrow.

I laughed, meeting his gaze with a twinkle in my eye. "Well, yes, I did. After all, you are the sweetest scent that fills my world."

Nico's laughter filled the room, echoing the undeniable joy and love that enveloped us that night. In that moment, we realized that despite the challenges we had faced, we were blessed beyond measure. Our journey, though filled with uncertainty, had united us, strengthening our bond as we eagerly awaited the arrival of our precious new addition.

With a tender touch, Nico traced his fingertips along my cheek, his voice laced with affection. "I can't believe we're going to be a family of 8 soon. It feels like a dream."

I hummed in agreement because the last thing I had ever expected after losing my family years earlier, was to forge my own when Nico came into my life the way he did two years ago. In just that short time he has given me everything. I had ever wanted. He gave my life a new meaning.

Adopting Aros, Tanner had been a journey of love and resilience. Each of them had come from different backgrounds, and their paths had intertwined with ours in the most beautiful way. While it hadn't always been easy, our blended family had become a stronghold of support and love. Together, we had created a home where they could thrive and grow.

Both Gia and our future baby were unexpected. We hadn't planned to have any children until Tanner and Aros were older. But life had a way of surprising us, and when Gia was born, Asher and Gabe joined us as well. Our family grew not only in size but in love and unity.

The journey to parenthood had taught us patience, resilience, and the beauty of unconditional love. It had been a rollercoaster ride of emotions, from the initial excitement and nerves to the struggles and triumphs of raising our children. Through it all, Nico had been my rock, supporting me every step of the way.

We reminisced about the first time we met Tanner and Aros, the nervousness we felt as we stepped into their lives and tried to build a connection. It hadn't been easy at first, as they were hesitant and guarded. But with time, patience, and a whole lot of love, they began to open up to us. We watched them blossom into confident, compassionate young boys, knowing that our love and support had played a significant role in their transformation.

Now, as we prepared to welcome our new addition, excitement filled the air. We brainstormed ideas for the nursery, imagining the space where our little one would grow, learn, and dream. Nico's artistic nature shone through as he shared sketches of his vision for the room, a harmonious blend of colors and patterns that would stimulate their imagination.

The journey to parenthood had taught us to embrace every unpredictable twist and turn. We knew that life would throw challenges our way, but we were ready. Together, our love would conquer any obstacle, and our family would thrive.

As we finally drifted off to sleep, wrapped in each other's arms, the future felt bright and full of endless possibilities. We were infinitely grateful for the love that surrounded us, for the laughter that echoed through our home, and for the anticipation of the beautiful chaos that awaited us.

In that quiet moment, as the moon gently kissed our faces, we smiled, knowing that the love we had cultivated would forever guide us on this incredible journey of parenthood. Our story continued to unfold, and with each passing day, we grew more certain that our blended family was the most remarkable adventure we had ever embarked on.

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