1. Introduction

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Author sat to write something about story, and it's already been half an hour but she didn't get anything to write. She is in deep thoughts when she heard someone asking her "hey Laxmi, how are you?" From her back, she turned to her back and saw some boy in his twenties. He is handsome with fair white skin, black silky hairs which are gelled up and neatly combed. Wearing expensive suit and shoes, and ofcourse carrying an angry cold face. Already sat on her sofa, crossing his right leg on left leg, author narrowed her eyes.

"Who the hell are you? And how did you get in?" Laxmi asked him. ( New reader's Laxmi is author's name)

"Don't tell me you forget about me? It's me Rishi." That man introduced himself.

"Rishi, oh my god. You grown up, wow what a surprise?" Laxmi said and sat beside him.

"Ofcourse it's been 20 years, we met. So, it's common." Rishi shrugged his shoulders.


"So, when are you going to write my story?" Rishi questioned.

"I'm on it only, from half an hour I'm thinking but not even got an idea."

"Did you find any girl for me?"


"What!? You didn't even find a girl for me in 20 years." Rishi almost shouted.

"Why are you overreacting? see finding a girl is not easy, when some people are hell bent to kill girl child. Either in womb or after the birth." Laxmi said with dull face.

"I know, it's really very sad reality of new generation." Rishi released a sigh.

"But still, you didn't find one for me." Rishi asked.

"Why? You know last time you are like 'me and love, no way' you said this." Author said it while adding facial expressions and using her hands more.

"I didn't done like you did. Maybe words are same." Rishi added.

"I know that, you didn't done it. How could you even do it, when you don't know, how to do it, it requires skill, you know And you don't have that. And see I'm an author, so I have to add some stuff like this." Author said while rolling her eyes.

"By the way, you don't have any girlfriend. You are already 25 years, now a days even school children are having girlfriends and boyfriends." Laxmi said shaking her head.

"Nope, I don't have any girl in my life."

"Why? You are handsome and rich. Any girl will fall on her knees before you."

"And I don't want that type of girl in my life. Yes, you are right, every girl is throwing themselves on me for ofcourse my money. Which I hates most, so I'm looking for a girl who love me not my money." Rishi said.

"Are you the same Rishi, which I meet. Because you are so different?"

"I'm same but see, age will change the way of thinking."

"Age or hormones?" Laxmi asked while rising her one eyebrow.

"Both, I can say that." Laxmi nodded her head.

"So, you don't have a girlfriend. And one more thing are you virgin?" Rishi moved uncomfortable in sofa and nodded his head not looking at Laxmi.

"What!? You are 25 years and still a virgin. How's that even possible?". Laxmi shouted.

"Please calm down, see I'm a business man and I'm too busy in my life. And girls are the last thing I think, so ........you can guess now." Laxmi smiled.

"Fine, how are everyone?" Laxmi asked while started preparing tea for both.

"Everyone is fine."

"Tea or coffee? Before you say anything I'm preparing tea and you are going to have it, without any tantrums." She said.

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