23. First Love Birds

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Dhruv's POV..................

Hey guys...........I hope you didn't forget me, while reading my children's story. Finally laxmi decided to write about me and my wife's a chapter, I just hope we will get more chapters like this(laxmi rolled her eyes, listening to Dhruv).

I heard that my son is lacking in romance, what can we expect from him though and you all must be missing romantic stuff, right. So, I'm here to give you that.

I did something special to surprise my wife, Nithya, you remember her, right. I'm waiting for her from last half n hour in our bedroom but my wife is no where.

I already asked her to come to bedroom, but she didn't listen to me. Now a days she doesn't listening to me at all, her complete concentration were on our kids. She is forgetting, that she has a husband too.

I'm angry now, I pity myself that I can't even spend some time with my own wife. I sat on edge of bed with full of angry, my elbows are on my knees, chin is resting on my knuckles. I heard door knob twisting sound, finally my wife decided to show up.

Nithya came and sat beside me leaning her head on my shoulder.

"Hey, hubby. What are you doing here? And why are you so silent?" I didn't answered to her. She looked at me with narrowed eyes and made herself comfortable in my lap.

"Will you move aside?" I said.

"No, I don't. I'm sitting on my husband, what is the problem with you?" She asked and smiled brightly.

"So, finally you remember you have a husband too, I thought you forget about me completely." I said and tried to take her hands of my neck. But she tighten her grip on my neck more.

"No, I don't forget you. How I can forget about my other half, my life, my heartbeat, my cute husband." She pulled my cheeks and pecked on my lips.

"I love you, Dhruv." That one name is far more enough for me to melt. And I melted listening to it again, I pulled her by her neck and claimed her lips. I kissed her aggressively, I nibbled her lower lip and sucked it for some time. I thrusted my tongue in her mouth causing her to moan loud in my mouth.

By the time I left her lips, she is out of breath, she leaned on my chest taking normal breaths and I did the same.

"I have a surprise for you, baby." I said when my lungs are filled with air. She looked at me.

"What is that?" She asked and I made her stand and I did the same. I took her hand in one hand and used other hand to cover her eyes.

"Close your eyes, and take small steps with me, okay baby." She nodded her head I kissed on her cheek and went in the direction of my surprise for my wife.

Once we are in front of my surprise I removed my hand from her eyes, and she opened her eyes and get a shock expression looking at my surprise. Her mouth hung open, it literally touched ground and she covered it with her hands.

You all must be thinking what would be my surprise, right.

Well it is a bath tub filled with rose petals, scented candles around bathtub, champagne for us. Since Nithya don't like to drink I arranged orange juice for my baby. And a bowl of strawberries with another bowl of melted chocolate too.

"Aren't we are old enough for all these kind of stuff, Dhruv??" She asked as her one eyebrow went up in questioning manner. I smiled and went beside her, I snacked my hands around her waist and pulled her to me and kept my chin on her shoulder.

Forced By Him (But I Ended Up Loving Him More)Where stories live. Discover now