24. Bare Chest

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Rishi's POV..................

If I say I was shocked would be an understatement, when Aru kissed me. I mean she always glared at me even when I just pecked on her lips. It's truly a magic moment, it's way too beautiful when her lips touched with mine.

I didn't tried to deepen kiss because I don't want to freak her out, when she is trying to give me a chance. And for our marriage too. I just want to show how much I love her, how much she is important for me in my life through the kiss.

I just hope she realised my feelings for her, I can die for her and kill anyone for her.

And that fucking bastard is going to sacrifice more in his life. First I fired him and there is still a big list in his bag. He has to pay for what he did to my wife, my Aru.

If not Aru calling me I would have killed him in that same spot, but I stopped because of Aru. Right then she needs me, and for that bastard he will pay, I will make sure of it.

My blood is boiling only remembering him, pulling Aru by her hairs. How dare he? I punched on wall, thinking about Aru crying face.

My knuckles are already bruised and now blood is coming out of it. I sighed looking at my hand and went in to washroom. I kept my hand under running water, I cleaned it.

If I didn't arrange a person for her to monitor, I don't think so I would have showed up at right time. Thank god I did it, throughout the day I didn't worked. My mind is completely occupied by Aru, her cry I can still here it.

It's already 6 in the evening, I took my coat and headed towards elevator by calling Aru. She lift my call in third ring.

"Hey, sweetheart. Come down I'm waiting for you in car." I said.

"Hmmm, Rishi. You go naa, I'll come by myself." She hesitated first but said what she wants to later.

"So, you want me to carry you in front of everyone, right. Wait where you are sweetheart your husband is coming for you." I said and about to hung up.

"Rishi, Rishi, listen I'm coming, don't come." She said and I smirked.

"Waiting, sweetheart. Come quick, you have only 5 minutes. If you didn't showed up in front of me in 5 minutes, I'm going to come to you and carry you back in front of everyone." I said and she hummed in response and muttered 'idiot' and hung up my phone,But I listened it. Ahaaa, so my wife think I'm an idiot, but I strongly believe that she is the one, who is idiot. I smiled thinking about Aru.

I directly went and sat in car waiting for Aru. Within 4 minutes she is in car, sitting beside me and throwing draggers at me. I turned to her and smiled but in return I got a glare.

I pulled her and hugged her tightly, by her waist.she struggled in my arms but me being strong, she gave up trying and huffed. I smiled and released her from hug and pulled her cheeks.

"Missed you." I said still pulling her cheeks.

"Leave me Rishi. Leave me." She said and pushed my hands from her cheeks and Started rubbing her cheeks with her two hands while pouting cutely.

Awwww, how cute my wife is? I pushed her hands from her cheeks and kissed on both cheeks.

" Now pain will reduce." I said and pecked on her lips.

She started hitting me with her two hands on my chest and hands. I smiled looking at her antics, she is way too adorable. Once she got satisfied beating me, she released a big amount of air from her mouth, and turned towards window while crossing her hands in front of her chest. I shook my head looking at her, my hands itched looking at her hairs, which are still neatly combed, but I didn't done anything.

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