12. Couch

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Rishi's pov................

I directly went to my room, Aarohi is sitting on bed looking at her phone, keenly. I went to her and sat beside her.

"Are you trying to scare that phone? If yes, then listen to me. It's not going to work, you don't know how to scare, Aru." I said it as a matter of fact, she turned and looked at me.

"Yeah, I know that. Because you took the oath of scaring everything around you." She said, and I looked at her shocked. Did she really said that, She used a bit of high pitch, I was looking at her dumbfounded. Soon she realised and her eyes went wide and later she hung her head.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say it but I'm really sorry, I was a bi..........." She started blabbering, I made her look at me by keeping my finger under her chin.

"It's okay, Aru. It's completely fine, you don't need to say sorry to me for anything or you don't need to explain anything to me. And I'm glad that your opening yourself in front of me." I smiled and kissed on her forehead.

"Wait here, I'll just come." She nodded her head and I moved to washroom, I showered and came outside wrapping a towel around my waist.

Aarohi's eyes travelled from my face to chest and stopped at torso. I didn't missed the red colour forming on her cheeks, I smirked looking at her and she gulped looking at me. Well, well, well my little wife has an effect, let's play with her.

I slowly went to her, throughout walking she doesn't even tried to move her eyes from my body and I liked it very much.

"Liked it sweetheart, what you saw? Are you wanna feel it, Aruuuu." I said in her ears, and she became complete red Tomato. She turned and now her back is facing me, I leaned towards her ear.

"Don't be shy, sweetheart. It's all for you, to see it, to feel it." I whispered huskily in her ear and kissed on her neck. She jumped from her place, but didn't turned to face me. I saw her ears turned red, gosh she is something. I chuckled a little and moved to closet, not to embarrass her more. I wear t-shirt and sweats and went again in bedroom, she is still in same position, I smiled a little.

"You can move, sweetheart." I said and she turned to me, still there is red colour on her cheeks.

I heard a knock on my door, I went to it and opened door. Kushi is standing there.

"What happened?" I ask her.

"Nothing Anna (bro), vadhina(SIL)'s brother came, he brought luggage." I nodded my head, and looked at Aru.

"Come Aru, Jai is here." I said and pulled Aru to downstairs. Jai is talking with dad and mom, there is quite awkwardness in between them.

"Anna....." Aru said and hugged Jai, he wrapped his hands around her in a protective way. I smiled looking at them, he nodded his head and I did it.

"You okay?" Jai ask Aru, she nodded her head. I sat there looking at them. Jai talked for sometime and took his leave.

I took Aru luggage and his hand in mine, and made my way towards our bedroom for today.

"Come, let's eat dinner." I said once we are in room, but she shook her head.

"I'm not hungry."


"Please." I sighed.

"Fine." I said and went outside.

"You really gave up on trying to pursue her to eat?" I heard Laxmi voice, I turned to her.

"Nope, I'm going down to bring dinner for her. I know she must be awkward." I shrugged my shoulders, pursing my lips.

"Good, you are trying very hard to become romantic and it's working slowly." I looked at her in shock, I mean getting a compliment from her is rare.

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