31. Her Past 1

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Please read what I wrote before start reading chapter.....

Sorry for updating this chapter late guys.......trust me this chapter took a troll on me.

I took a lot of breaks while writing this chapter leading it to late update.

Sorry for that again.......

Guys here are some tissues???????? , please take it. I think you all need it.....

Aarohi's POV.............

"And.......my parents...." I cried thinking about them and my life. How happy I was when my parents are alive, I still remember how much my parents loved me.

Right now I'm sitting and ready to tell my past to Rishi, which no one knows about it. I decided to tell him, though I know in end he will leave me. But if I delayed and get more attractive towards him, one day I will sure get heart broken. Even now I'm already fallen in love with him, leaving him now also so hard for me. But if I delayed it would be impossible for me to leave him. When he himself ask me to leave him or throw me out of his life. So I decided to tell him everything that happened in my life and go from his life forever.

I wiped my tears and took a deep breath to start to tell my past.

"I was the only child for my parents. So, ofcourse they loved me so much, I was there eye, princess and everything. My life was so beautiful, with my parents love and friends.

I was a bubbly girl, I used to always smile and talk. My dad used to tell me how much I'm important for them in their life. We are middle class people, my dad owned a small transport business in town xyz.

My mom is housewife, we are so happy in our lives. For them I was world, they loved me to moon and back. My friends always envies me for my parents love. But everything get stopped when I was 17 years old.

My parents went to family function of our relatives, they asked me too join them but I didn't went with them. And that was my biggest mistake of my life I ever did.

That day it started raining heavily, the time function came to an end it already became night. I called my parents to not come but they didn't listen to me. They are afraid to leave me alone in our home, they said how can you leave on your own? You are a small girl!! But they left me forever, leaving me in this cruel world.

I was talking to my mom on phone, still arguing with her that I can stay and said them to go back. And at the same time I heard a big thunder sound and call got hung up." I flinched remembering that sound, I still remember it clearly like it happened yesterday only.

"I called them again but call not connected, I tried and tried and tried. How many times I have tried but it didn't connected. I don't know how I fall sleep waiting for my parents to return.

I woke up listening the sound of knocking on our door, it was already next morning. I thought it would be my parents and I happily went to open door. When I opened door I welcomed with a police officer, and he said to come with him.

I hesitantly followed him, he took me to hospital and said my parents died last night in car accident. And everything went blank for me, I didn't even understand what he said. My world just collapsed in one night.

He took me to identify my parents bodies, yes they are bodies then. I shook them but they just lied there without even talking. I cried in front them, hoping my dad would woke up and took me in his embrace like he always do. But he didn't, I begged them to woke up but nothing worked, they just lied there.

Everyone accused me for my parents death, and I too believe it. It happened only because of me, if only I went with them, they won't get in to accident. Everyone cut there ties with me, my grandma she slapped me in front of everyone but no one stopped her.

She blamed me for her son's death, at that time I saw in everyone's eyes hatred for me. They didn't allowed me to perform any last rituals to my parents. They didn't allowed me to come to there grave too, they abandoned me.

They all saw me like I'm a curse, that time I realised that I became an orphan. There are no one for me, I was left alone. I went in to my parents room and locked it. I cried clutching there photo to my chest.  Two days I stayed in that room. No one bothered to come to me, no one noticed me that I'm not present. That showed me how much they all hate me.

I just lied there praying God to kill me and took me to my parents. And soon I went into darkness, hoping that I will go to my parents. But I was not lucky enough, to die soon.

when I woke up I was in hospital, drip is connected to my left hand and my aunt, my dad's sister was present beside me. She smiled to me when she saw I opened me eyes.

"Finally you are up Aarohi, I have been waiting for it." She said and hugged me, I looked at her confusingly.

"I know, you must be thinking, why I have  been acting strange right. Because I know it was not your fault for my bro death." she said, but I didn't felt anything I know my heart is already broken to the way that it cannot be attached again.

I just nod my head to her, soon doctor discharged me and they took me to our home. Some relatives are still present, everyone glared at me. My grandma again slapped me and started shouting at my aunt for saving me and bringing back me.

I again went to my parents room and locked it and sat in a corner looking at parents picture hanging on wall. They were smiling in that photo, I cried again, remembering them.

My life it's completed changed, only my aunt came to look after me, she has been telling me that I was not the reason but I know I'm the only one. For one month I didn't came out from that room.

She and her husband took care of me, they took me to there home. Thinking that new environment will change me. My aunt, her husband and there daughter helped me bringing back from my depression.

I too thought that now I have to start my new life without my parents, and I have only my aunt and her family. Which are taking care of me from day one.

I started going to college, but I was new person. I didn't talked to anyone nor smiled, I was a different person. My friends tried there best but I always missed my parents warmth.

The way they loved me, the way I was there everything always remind me. And I always end up crying more in nights.

From the day of my parents death, crying and loneliness become my best friends. Everything was okay, not perfect but it's okay. Till I turn 18.

I thought my aunt and uncle will always be there for me, but little did I know that was all there acting.

They were acting from day one, I thought they cared about me but no. In real they hate me more than anyone, and my uncle he just add my already broken heart a nightmare...........

Hmmm, guys her past was big. So I thought to write in two chapters......

Don't worry next chapter I update in 2 or 3 hours.

I don't want to ask anything.....

Just wait for another part of Aarohi's past......

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