5. Party

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Author's POV...................

Here in Farmhouse party started in full swing, every student enjoying. But our Dev is waiting for only one person that is Priya. After half n hour Priya and Aarohi showed up, Dev in full happiness hugged Priya tightly, lightly pecking on her cheek.

While Priya wrapped her hands around Dev's torso. She to pecked on his cheek, they two completely forgot about Aarohi, who is standing there looking at them.

"Miss you love." Dev said, while releasing himself from hug and pecked on her forehead.

"Missed you too Dev." Priya grinned looking at him.

Aarohi just stood there smiling at love birds, they met yesterday only and they already missed eachother. But she felt happy for Priya, if in future Priya ended with Dev, she will be most luckiest girl, Aarohi thought.

"Hi, Akka" Dev said to Aarohi and side hugged her.

"Hi, Dev" Dev took them both inside his farmhouse. Every student is on dance floor dancing, with there partners. Sound was blasting, DJ doing quite a good job.

Dev took Priya to dance floor and started dancing while Aarohi sat at a corner hiding from everyone.

She never liked to come to this type of parties, it's totally new for her. She sat there watching couples dancing and kissing. She felt embarrassed and started using her phone.

Here our Dev is in full happy mode, he love Priya very much. They were in relationship from 3 years, they never had a clash between them. Dev dotes her so much, on the other side Priya is same. She loves Dev unconditionally, there pair is quite good in looking.

Dev in happiness completely forget about informing his mother ( our Nithya) about party.

In mansion Nithya is pacing in living room back and forth, waiting for Dev. She is worried it's already 9 pm, he never come late to home, if he had any work he would have informed her beforehand. But today he forgot about it and the result is completely sweating and shivering Nithya.

Dhruv saw his wife tensed up, he went towards her and hugged her from back by keeping his chin on her shoulder and lightly pecking on her cheek. ( Here comes our Dhruv, how many of you missed him, but seriously I missed him so much.)

"What happened, baby. Why are you so worried." Dhruv asked while peppering kisses on Nithya's neck, gradually Nithya felt some what relief not completely but little bit. She leaned on his chest and sighed heavily.

"I'm worried about, Dev. He didn't come till now Dhruv." She said.

"Don't worry baby, he will come home, he is not a kid." He made her turn and claimed her lips completely forgetting they are in living room. Starting Nithya protested but she gave up and started kissing him back, while her hands massaged his hairs. Dhruv pulled Nithya more in to him if it's possible.

Suddenly Rishi entered living room completely not knowing what is actually happening there. He saw it and released a long sigh.

"Nanna......." He said or more like he shouted. Nithya pushed Dhruv and Dhruv glared at his son.

"Why don't you guys use your bedroom? Bedrooms are meant to be for that use only." He said annoyed.

"I know what bedrooms are used for, you don't need to say to me. If not for your brother, we could be there only." Dhruv said as a matter of fact.

"What he did now." Rishi asked while sitting in sofa.

"He didn't showed up till now, and here my baby is all tensed up." Dhruv said while looking at Nithya, while Nithya looked again at clock and maindoor.

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