43. Dying To Listen

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Aarohi's POV...................

Rishi, he very well knows how to control me, how to love me, and most importantly he very well knows how to make me fall for him.

And I already fallen for him soo deep, that I just want to be with him. In his arms feeling safe and secured like always. He has his own charm and don't even talk about his look's. God has taken Everything from me in past but now he  given more than he took from me, in the form of Rishi, my Rishi.

My Rishi, it really sounds different but I'm likely it, naaa I'm loving it. A smile spread on my lips remembering I'm saying I love you to Rishi. Maybe I was tricked to say it but it felt soo good.

I'm just waiting for the day, to say it without any hesitation to Rishi. I'm just shy to say him that I love him, I'm praying to God to make me say those three magical words to him.

The day he accepted me even after knowing my past was one of the best day for me. I would never forget it throughout my life, not even in my dreams too. That day I got a new hope to live this life, start freshly and live happily that too with my Rishi.

There are so many rumours are going on between Rishi and Rashmi. But I never once doubted him, I trust my Rishi and I love him too.

I trust him with everything I have, I never doubted him, even after looking at Rashmi in Rishi's office and not to forget what is wear on that day. I trust him and I very well know he would never do something like that.

Right now I'm in our bedroom balcony, watching outside. My cheeks are still hot because of blushing. God he really make me say I love you.

And I blushed even more thinking about him saying it back to me. I was so in my thoughts that I didn't heard anything.

"Ahaaaa, someone is still blushing." I heard voice from my back. I turned back and there priya and kushi, stood. Each one face has same teasing smile, I smiled awkwardly and turned again. Not to show  my blushing face to them again.

"Come on akka, you are blushing this much only saying I love you to your husband. But in bedroom you guys did everything, haaaa." Priya said and wiggled her eyebrows to me.

I bite my lip, because we never did anything other than kissing eachother. Even that kissing started only after I kissed Rishi. True to his words he never tried anything to do with me.

"Actually, hmmm. We never did anything like you guys are thinking." I said as I tucked my hair strand behind my ear.

"What??" I heard priya and kushi voice at a time.

"You must be joking, right?" Priya asked me, but I shook my head.

"No,we just kissed eachother, that's it." I said as I started playing with my dupatta.

"Why?" Kushi asked, I saw priya she is still in shock.

"Hmmm, Rishi said he will wait till I love him." I said as I hung my head.

"And don't tell me, you don't love bava, Akka." Said priya, I hurriedly shook my head as no.

"No, no, no, I love him. I love him more than anything in this world. But I'm feeling shy to say it to him directly." I said still playing with dupatta.

"Why are you shy? Akka. He is your husband and yo.........." Priya was telling something but kushi stopped her.

"It's okay, vadhina. What matters now is you love him. And you did great by not saying your love to him." I looked at kushi in confusion. I did great? How? Why?

"Because after 2 weeks, it's our birthday. Our means me and Anna, like you know we are twins. On his birthday tell him your feelings and express your love. I'm telling you that would be his biggest gift he ever got." Kushi completed and I grinned listening to it.

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