15. Punch

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Guys I'm going to add Aarohi's and Rishi's pics in community please go and have a look....

Rishi's pov.................

We did our lunch, food tastes good, Aru is good in cooking too. I praised her and she hummed.

After lunch I was going through some files, when Aru came to me. She stood beside me, hesitated for a while before opening her mouth.

"Hmmm, Rishi......" I raised my head and looked at her and signalled her to continue.

"If you don't mind, can I go to my parents house. Actually mom called me and ask me to come, she wants to meet me." I looked at her confusingly, why she is taking my permission? I kept my file on table and patted on sofa beside me, asking her to sit.

She again hesitated, I sighed, pulled her and made her sit beside me. I took her hands in mine, started rubbing her knuckles with my fingers.

"Why are you asking my permission Aru?" She didn't said anything.

"See Aru, I married you not arrested you. You can go wherever you want, you can do whatever you want too. Rather than thinking about leaving me, you can do everything, like you want."

"But yeah, if you inform me before hand that should be more than enough for me. Because I don't want to panic, and shout at you in the end. And yeah always keep your phone with you and make sure it is working, because whenever I want to call you I can contact you, easily."

"And about meeting your parents, let me accompany you. I too didn't meet my in laws, just give me some time, I'll change and you too get change till then." I said and she nodded her head.

I directly went to my closet and took white half hands shirt paired with ash pants. I gelled up my hairs and wear wrist watch and end my look with black shoes.

I went in to living room waiting for Aru, she is in washroom since I got ready in bedroom.

I waited for sometime and after about 15 minutes Aru came outside, looking stunning as always

I went to her and kissed on her cheek, and she blushed a little.

"You look beautiful." She hung her head. I chuckled a little and took her hand in mine.

We went to parking lot, I took Key's from driver, telling him,I will drive. I opened door for Aru, she sat and I went to another side and sat beside her.

I started driving, there is complete silence in car, to avoid silence I played songs. Soon we reached Aarohi's parents house, we stood in front of door and pressed bell, waiting to open it by someone.

Someone opened door, I guess it must be Aarohi's mom, because she looked at her and hugged her.

They two hugged tightly, I stood there awkwardly.

"Aarohi, how are you?" She asked Aru broking hug and cupped Aru face in her hands.

"I'm fine mom." Aru said, they two shade tears but non of them addressed me. They completely ignored me, wow what an entry you got Rishi.

I stood there, tapping my leg on ground not to know what to do. But they where engrossed in there talk, I looked at them.

"Aarohi......" I heard male voice, I turned to voice and there stood Aarohi's father. He looked at me, finally someone register me, I smiled to him.

But he came to me in jet speed and punched hard on my face, it was really very fast that I can't even have a chance to dodge. Leading it to my broken lip and blood came out of it.

Wow, another awesome welcome, by my in laws.

"You bastard, how dare you to force my daughter to marry you?" He held my collar in his hands and made me look at him.

Forced By Him (But I Ended Up Loving Him More)Where stories live. Discover now