10. Terms And Conditions

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Rishi's POV..............

Aarohi, my love, she doesn't give me any other option rather than forcing her in to this marriage. One part of me is so happy, that she is mine now, but other part is sad that she have been forced in to this marriage.

I cracked so many deals without even dropping a single sweat, but non of them made me this happy. But When I'm telling to Jai, introducing her as my wife ' Aarohi Rishi Raj'. That made me go on top of the world, now she is mine, completely mine.

I really don't want to marry her like this, I want to give her a big fat Indian wedding. Which she deserve, but it end like this. No worries, when she accepts me then I will give her what she deserves, but now it has to be like this only. To stop her leave me, and ofcourse to make her fall in love with me, like I love her with my whole heart.

Right now she is looking at Marriage certificate, shockingly and I smiled looking at her. She is so beautiful, even in her simple dress, she is looking gorgeous. Don't even ask me when she blushed, god I lost every control in me and kissed on her cheek.

She looked like a ripped tomato, I just want to bite those cheeks hard, but I controlled it. It took every ouch in me to not plant that kiss on her lips. Only God knows how much I controlled myself to not kiss those pink lips. Which are so soft and welcoming me to play with my lips, god I have to distract my mind from those lips.

With this thought, I looked aside and laxmi stood there carrying a grumpy face.

"Why that face for? Aren't you are happy that I'm married?" I ask, to annoy her. I won't get this chance to annoy her again, she always annoy me but this time it's me.

She glared at me, while gritting her teeth, I rolled my eyes to her and showed my tongue to her like she always shows me. Her expression is worth watching, her jaw dropped literally touched ground.

God, please give me this chance again and again, it really feels so good to annoy laxmi.

"You really making fun of me, angry bird" laxmi crossed her hands in front of her chest giving me dare to say it.

"Sorry, but you already helped me then why are you sad now?"

"Yeah, I helped you with terms and conditions, don't forget that." Yeah she helped me, only after I said yes.

And you all must be thinking what are those terms and conditions, right.

They are simple,

1 to take good care of Aarohi.

2 to love her more and more.

3 Never order her, like I did last time.

4 never shout at her.

"I won't back off from my word, laxmi. You know that better than anyone." I assured her, she nodded her head.

I looked at Aarohi, she ran to a room and closed door.

"Go and console her." I Heard laxmi. I took a step but Jai called me.

"Mr Raj, can I have a word?"

"You can call me Rishi or brother in law ( one of my reader suggested me to use English words, so from now on I'm using them.)." He nodded his head.

"I know what you want to talk, Jai. I promise you I will take care of Aarohi, I know I forced her in this relationship but I will keep her happy, I'm giving my word to you." Jai smiled.

"Thanks, BIL( brother in law)." I nodded my head and started walking towards Aarohi.

I pushed door and they opened, I'm glad that she didn't locked them. I went in, she sat in a corner of the room, her head is buried on her knees and she is crying.

Forced By Him (But I Ended Up Loving Him More)Where stories live. Discover now