37. Rashmi Benerjee

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Laxmi's POV...............

Both kushi and priya went to living room and sat, Aru helping her mom in kitchen. Jai came downstairs after spending nearly half an hour in cold shower. When he saw in mirror he saw a bruise on his lip, he chuckled a little remembering there small moment.

He saw kushi and she blushed looking at him, he raised his eyebrows to her. He mean she kissed him first and now she is blushing like this.

"Hey, Bava. Jai Dev!" Jai said and they hugged eachother. They started conversation about ofcourse office matter's. Here Priya and kushi started planning about how to make Aru crazy.

Dinner is set on dinning table and everyone went to eat it. Maids started serving everyone, they next went in leaving them to eat.

Aru put a little to eat in her plate, Rishi looked at her plate and narrowed his eyes to Aru.

But Aru didn't cared at all, she thought she is in her parents house. So she can do whatever she want too, she started acting stubborn in front of Rishi.

But she forget who Rishi is, and he never cared where he is in real. So he filled his plate with food, everyone looked at him in shock. And next he exchanged his plate with Aarohi's plate.

"That's my plate!!" Aru whined looking at her plate which was taken by Rishi.

"Stop pouting, and complete it." Rishi glared at Aru showing his plate which is present in front of Aru.

"I can't complete it, I can't eat this much." Aru said still pouting.

"Aru, do you want me to feed you?" Rishi asked and Aru looked at him in disbelief.

"No!!" Aru said.

"Then complete it by yourself, otherwise you know what I will do!!" He said, Aru sighed before looking at her dad. Asking him help but he shook his head.

"I can't help you, Aarohi. When it comes to your health, for the first time I'm with Rishi." Rakesh( Aru father) said in duh tone.

Aru looked at her mother and Jai for help but they too shook there heads in no.

"Now, if you are done with asking help, eat it and yeah complete it." Rishi said as he lightly smacked on Aru head.

Without any option Aru started eating, everyone also started but Rakesh for the first time, he is impressed by Rishi. These years everyone tried there best to make Aru eat properly but it never worked.

She eat her food like she is some school girl. Everyone are so concerned for her, but she never eat to fullest. But for the first time, everyone seeing Aru eating more and they really appreciated Rishi for it.

Though he ordered her to eat but they are happy that Aru is eating like a grown up not like a school girl. Rakesh with a big smile on his face eat his dinner.

Everyone completed there dinner, now it's time for there leave.

"Rishi, I wanna have a small talk with you. Follow me." Rakesh said and walked front, though Rishi doesn't like the tone which Rakesh used but he didn't said anything silently followed him.

They both went in to a room and Rakesh sat in sofa and gestured Rishi too take a seat. Rishi sat in front of him, completely not understanding what he is going to talk.

"See, I really don't liked, how you married my daughter. But looking at her happy with you, I feel okay. Though I still not completely approve your relationship but now I can't do anything. Because you are married by law. So I want to hold a wedding, and I want to give my daughter's hand to you properly." Rakesh said completely making Rishi blank.

Rishi never thought Rakesh will accept him this early, but it happened now. He felt happy and smiled to Rakesh.

"Thanks mavaya, we will marry like you wish. But not now, I want to marry Aru this time with her consent. I want her to accept me by her heart not with anyone pressure or anything. I just want her to love me and I can wait for that throughout my life. Just give me some time, when she is ready for this relationship I myself tell you to make arrangements for our marriage." Rishi said, this make Rakesh to believe Rishi more with Aru.

"Okay, I can understand that. But what if Aarohi get pregnant??" Rakesh kept his question in front of Rishi and Rishi chuckled a little.

"She will not, mavaya. We didn't consummate our marriage till now, and I will not do anything like that. Before properly marrying Aru, I just married Aru because I want to stop her leaving me." Rakesh looked at Rishi in complete shock.

He is so in his thoughts, that how can they still didn't. But somewhere he felt touched and this time he completed accepted Rishi as his Alludu(son in law). Rakesh for the first time smiled looking at Rishi, and that made Rishi to went shock and soon he to smiled looking at Rakesh.

"Marriage will be happen soon, mavaya. Trust me, she will accept me soon." Rishi said as he stood up, Rakesh to stood up and went to Rishi and patted his back with a pride look.

"Make her fall soon, Alludu (sil)." For the first time he addressed Rishi as Alludu (sil), it took Rishi offguard but he smiled looking at Rakesh.

"I will!!" Rishi said, Rakesh nod his head to Rishi.

" Everyone must be waiting for us, let's go." Rakesh said and went out, Rishi to followed him.

They bid there bye to everyone and went to there respective homes.

One week went like this normally and Rishi's company got a tender with other company and they have to work together.

And that other company CEO is "Rashmi Benerjee" who is the CEO is Benerjee group of companies. Very beautiful, sexy figure, good looks, she has everything. With a mount Everest size ego too.

Hello my beautiful readers

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