38. New Aru

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Rishi's POV...................

Everything is going normally like always it go, Aru is not same, she is opening up in front of me slowly.

We got the tender but I'm not happy because we have to merge with other company and adding to that CEO is a women. I'm not degrading women but what about I heard about this girl is different. Full of ego, showing lot of tantrums and seducting men are her specialization.

I don't know how I will deal with her, because my anger has at his peek's when I'm working. Only in front of my loved ones I'm different person.

After another half an hour I gave my appointment to Rashmi Benerjee. I hope it will go smoothly, we have to work for a big project and that to government project. So I have to keep my angry in control.

I'm in my office, going through some files and it's time to meet Ms Benerjee. I said come in when I heard knocking sound.

Ram came in bowing his head, I nod my head to him. Followed by him a girl and a boy entered in office.

"Mr Raj, this is Ms. Benerjee and assistant Mohan." I nod my head and stood up, I shook my hands with Ms benerjee and her assistant.

"Hi, this is Rishi Raj, CEO of Raj group of companies." She smiled to me.

"Hi, Mr Raj, this is Rashmi benerjee, ofcourse CEO of benerjee group of companies." She said and I took my hand back.

"Have a seat, Ms benerjee." I said and sat in my chair.

"It's Rashmi for you, Mr Raj." She said as she sat in front of me, smiling sweetly.

"I'm sorry  but that's not professionalism, I would prefer to Ms benerjee only." I said as her smile faded from her face.

What she really thinks, playing with Rishi is not that easy. She may be CEO of some company but in front of me, she is nothing.

"Ram, start the presentation." I said without even looking at her, if she thinks to seduce me or something then she must be backend before I burst in front of her.

Ram started presentation, and in this whole process I figured one thing, she gained this position because of seducing and showing her perfect body. She didn't even concentrated on presentation, she always smiled to me whenever she needs to.

Okay this project is going to go long, in This way. I sighed thinking about it, soon presentation got over and Ram switched all lights on.

"So I hope, everything would be clear for Ms Benerjee." I said as I leaned in my chair.

"Actually, Rishi..,..." She purred my name, I narrowed my eyes to her and leaned forward.

"It's Mr Raj for you. I hope you understand it Ms Benerjee." I said really controlling my anger and not to glare at her.

"I'm sorry, Mr Raj. Actually I got some doubts about this presentation, if you are free we can have lunch together and in that way we can discuss the problems too." She smiled seductively.

"I'm sorry, Ms Benerjee. I have an appointment, if you have any doubt you can discuss it with my assistant Ram." I said and gestured Ram with my eyes and crossed my hands in front of my chest.

"Oh, okay. Then we can meet for dinner." She said, fuck this girl. I rolled my eyes to her.

"I do my dinner with my family, Ms Benerjee. If you are done than please you can go." I said and opened my laptop and started working on it.

"I then leave Mr Raj." She said but I didn't replied, she went out stomping her feet.

I took deep breath when she left my office, want a girl, bitchy type. I immersed myself in work after that, soon office door opened and shout on the person but stopped looking at her.

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