39. Accident

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Rishi's POV.................

Aru is getting out of her shell slowly and me and Aru are quite happy for what is happening in our life's. About the project it's on and I doesn't met with Rashmi again. Because I want to keep a safe distance from her and reason you all know it.

I'm in my office like as usual, and my secretary Ram came in with a file.

"Mr Raj, this is the information you want about Mrs Raj and her family. It was given by our trusted private investigator." Finally the information about Aru's so called family. I smirked thinking about my plan and took it.

I know I could have asked Aru about her family, but I really don't want her to remember her past again. I want to erase it completely from her mind if that possible.

"Cancel my all meetings for today." I said and opened file.

"Sure, Mr Raj." Ram bowed and went out, and I started reading the information.

Her uncle Sudershan and his wife Sushmita, they have a daughter Sukanya. So su family it is. And grandma Kasturi.

These are the main people who is going to suffer a lot in there life's from now on. Especially this Sudershan he will beg in front of me for touching my wife. For thinking about doing something nasty to her.

They buried Aru's parents in there home town in there agricultural land. So Im going to buy it by hook or crook.

Sudershan is doing the same business of Aru father till now. His wife, Sushmita is housewife. And daughter is doing her degree final year in same town.

And grandma she is still alive, to get pay what she done to my wife. This file contains every information about them and in last there photos.

I took Sudershan photo and only looking at him, my blood boiled. You fucking bastard, you are going to beg me to kill you in front of me soon. But I'm not going to listen to you, I will torture you to death.

I was still going through the file when my office doors got opened and nanna(dad) came in. I closed file and leaned in my chair, he came and sat in front of me.

"Why did you cancel meetings today?? It's important for company." Nanna asked me, and narrowed his eyes to me.

"And, if you are going to say nothing. Then I'm not buying your lie here, I know it you never cancelled meetings. It must be something important than that, isn't it??" He continued, I leaned forward and kept my hands on table.

I know I can't lie to nanna, and I really don't need to afraid too. Because I know how he is, and what he done to his own aunt and her daughter. No one knows about it, but I know everything. How he killed them so brutally, I decided to tell him everything.

"You are right, nanna. This is more important than anything for me now." I said as I passed the file to him. He took it and started reading it.

"Who are they?? I don't remember anyone!!" He said.

"You don't know about them, nanna. They are Aarohi's relative's."

"Then, why you investigated about them??" He narrowed his eyes to me.

"Aarohi parents are dead, nanna." I said and nanna looked at me in shock. I know it will be the reaction only.

I started telling him everything, which Aru told me. By the time I completed, I can see tears in his eyes, even me. Only listening to it or saying it we got this emotional then what Aru gone through in real it's unbearable. I don't know how she get over it, she is so strong.

I don't know how can her grandma and her every relative accuse her, when she is not at all in fault. She is only 17 for god sake and she just lost her parents. How can no one understand her, the emotional turmoil in her.

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