32. Her Past 2

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Aarohi's POV................

"My aunt and uncle said they want to adopt me, I refused but they forced me and asked me to sign the papers. Me being the most stupid girl, I signed them without reading anything. That was the second biggest mistake I ever did.

Later I came to know those papers are my property and my dad's business papers. Which my parents left for me, and my aunt and her husband took them from me.

From that day onwards they started showing there real faces to me. They started hitting me, they made me do there all house hold chores, after that too they didn't gave me sufficient food to eat.

They always used to hit me, even when there was no reason. They hurt me in all ways, they used to tell me how unlucky and how bad I was. I don't know what I have to do, how I have to reply them.

They made me there house maid, I used to do all works without opening my mouth. Because if I say something they used to hit me with what they get hold of. They never felt pity on me, even after doing whole day work I didn't get to eat anything.

Daily once I eat if only they left something, most of the times I drink water to keep quite my growling stomach. Even if they heard that sound they would beat me black and blue." I remembered how Rishi complained for the first time, when I eat a little. And most of the times in past, I didn't even get that much to eat. A sarcastic smile spread on my lips and my eyes tears remembering his care for me.

"I lived like that in there house for 6 months. And one day it started raining again, and I know something bad is going to happening to me. Without giving it a thought I lied in kitchen, which was my usual place. A thin blanket on floor and I covered myself in my dupatta.

They never allowed me to use anything, I lied there closing my eyes tightly and hoping this night will over soon. But little did I know this night is going to be my nightmare, which would haunt me throughout my life.

Next thing I sensed is someone hands on me and a strong smell of alcohol coming. I opened my eyes to see who is the person, it was my uncle. I sat up and backend from his touch, it felt disgusting him touching me and the thing he drank alcohol is also not helping me.

My mind screamed to run from him far, but I was sat there still looking at him."


I sat there looking at my so called uncle, he smiled to me and his breath reached to my nose, and that stinging alcohol smell reached to me. I want to puke but there is nothing in my stomach to throw. I just took 2 glasses of water for my dinner. And last I eat is 1 day back that to a hand full is rice.

"Unc...le, do yo..u wa..nt an...ythi..ng??" I asked scared of his behaviour and I stammered hard.

"Yes, you!!" I furrowed my eyebrows not really getting what he said, but when I understood his meaning behind his words my eyes went wide. But he laughed at my reaction.

I started shaking when he tried to touch my hand, I pushed his hand away from me. I clutched my legs to my chest, Shivering badly.

"Ohh, you are sacred of me. You know what Aarohi I like it when you scared of me." He said as he laughed like a maniac, while throwing his head back in air. I backend from his reach.

But he held my hand and pulled me towards him, I yelped in pain. His grip on my hand is so strong, making my eyes escape tears.

"Leave me, uncle. Please leave me." I shouted at him but he gripped my hairs in his hand. I cried more, he made me look at him by cupping my face and digging his nails in my skin.

He started leaning towards me looking at my lips, I slapped him on his cheek. He left me and I stood up to run from him, even before I took a step, he hold my shoulder and made me turned towards him.

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