9. Devil's Plan

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Aarohi's POV...............

I didn't even went out from house before rishi came inside, I'm so shocked to see him here and that to now. When I decided to go far away from him, leaving my family. But what is he doing here? Why he is here? Did he know about me leaving? If yes then how?

Soon Priya entered house, so she said it to him. But she doesn't know about it, then how?

Rishi came and stood in front of me, I looked at him and he smiled looking at me. It was the second time he smiled to me, if someone says I didn't felt anything after that, it should be wrong. I felt something looking at his smile, I want to smile to him but I didn't.

I was attracted by him at the first time itself, especially those chocolate brown eyes. They always reminds me of chocolate, which I love so much, more than anything. Those eyes which always pulled me towards him, now also I was looking at him like awestruck.

He is truly the example of handsomeness, anyone can fall for him, even a single glance of him make girls fall on there knees in front of him. And don't even talk about his smile, ufffffffff.

I stood there looking at him, maybe I should have smiled to him. Because I saw his smirk, not to embarrass myself more I hung my head.

"I don't know, you are also so desperate, to live with me that you decided to leave your parents house this early, sweetheart." He said, and I looked at him confusingly.

What the hell he called me, sweetheart. It really made something in me that made my cheeks turn red. I'm I blushing now, god no please. Looking at my face his smirk widened.

He slowly leaned towards me and pecked on my cheek, I shivered and every hair on my body stood straight, when his lips touched my cheek. I felt sparks in my stomach and My heart started beating at his fastest speed, It's beating like I just ran in a marathon. I clutched my dupatta in my hands tightly not trusting my hands anymore. I became completely a full red tomato, ok I'm dead now. I just stood there like a paralysed person, like someone did magic on me.

We stood there looking in to eachother eyes, forgetting everything and everyone around us. Until someone cleared there throat, and I came back from my Dreamland.

"Mr Raj, what are you doing here?" Anna asked him.

"I came here to take my wife with me." I looked at him with full of confusion.

"Who is your wife?" Anna asked him again. Rishi looked at me, smirked and again looked at Anna.

Wife? Who?

"Jai, meet my wife, Mrs Aarohi Rishi Raj." He circled his hand around my shoulder and I stood there completely dumbfounded.

"Wife?" I asked in a mare whisper, looking at him. He looked at me and smiled to me.

"What do you mean, Mr Raj?" Anna asked.

"What I said is what I mean, jai."

"Here is our marriage certificate." He handed a paper to Anna, Anna took it and studied it. I looked at Anna, not to know what to do now.

"When did you signed it, Aarohi?" I hurriedly took it and saw. Yes, indeed it is my sign, but I don't remember signing any paper and that to on marriage certificate.

"I don't know Anna, I don't have any thought of signing...............wait, Priya." I turned to her.

"You lied to me!!" She hung her head.

Priya's POV.................

I heard what Akka and Anna talked that night, I know she is up to something. She was silent more than that she is calm, which she is not her. I know her and that made me doubt her actions. So I pretended like I slept but in real I didn't and I listened everything.

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