13. They Are Always Like That

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Aarohi's POV.................

I never in my dreams I have thought that my life will took a big u turn. I never thought that Rishi and priya would do something this big, without even my concern. They made me a fool, and I like a stupid person, did what they want.

I was so stupid in past and now also, I didn't changed, I'm deceived again. People say that we should learn from our mistakes but I didn't, I did what I did years ago, without reading any papers I signed on them and end up being more stupid.

But this time, I'm not regretting it, some how I'm feeling happy. After so many years my heart is filled with happiness and I'm scared that it will soon going to broke and I will left behind everything and everyone.

Rishi and his family accepting me, was a big shock for me, they didn't even asked me anything but they accepted me and they are even look happy for it. It's just like a dream for me, a beautiful dream  and I'm so scared that one day I will wake up from this dream and I will left behind.

I know it will end one day, because of my past. If Rishi came to know about my past, that day he will leave me and he even feel disgusting about me. And I can't afford it, I can't see him feeling disgusting about me. Only thinking about it, my heart started paining, why I have to go through all that in past. What I ever did in my life, I never harmed anyone but I'm broken.

Listening from him, how much he loves me, how much he wants me in his life makes me feel happy, it filled my broken heart but still I'm scared. Rishi is right, I'm scared of everything and everyone. I just want to hide somewhere, where no one can find me or no one can come for me to look.

Right now I'm lying in his bed and most surprising thing is I didn't get any nightmare. I don't know why? that nightmare was after me from years and today I didn't get it. I sighed thinking about my nightmare.

Most unusual thing is, he is lying on me. Yeah, you heard it correctly, his head is on my chest, his one hand is on my stomach and that to inside my t-shirt. Another hand is around my neck and his one leg is on my legs, Half of his body is on me. Isn't it should be in reverse, I mean I should sleep on his chest right not in the other way.

I have to be scared right now, but I'm feeling protected in his arms and a tingling sensation in my pit of stomach. I smiled looking at him, he is sleeping like a kid.

I shook his shoulder to wake him wake by calling his name.

"Rishi!!" He just hummed and turned his face, still sleeping.

Now I can see his face, his hairs are all over his forehead not like before cleanly combed and gelled up. He is truly an example of handsomeness, with his closed eyes and messed up hairs also.

I slowly moved his hairs from his forehead without touching him or disturbing his sleep. I smiled looking at him.

What the hell is wrong with you Aarohi, don't be stupid, he will leave you one day. Don't fall for him. My mind scolded me and it's completely true. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

I again tried to wake up Rishi, I shook his shoulder this time hard by calling his name.

"Rishi, Rishi.." finally he opened his eyes, and smiled to me.

"What Aru? sleep naa." He again closed his eyes, god don't he understands he is sleeping on me. He didn't felt embarrassed or awkward.

"But I have to use washroom." I said and he sighed.

"Fine." He said and kissed on my forehead and pecked on my lips.

"Love you sweetheart, good morning and good night." He said and lied beside me, I was looking at him dumbfounded.

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