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Laxmi's POV...............

About Jai and kushi's love story..........

It's Saturday Jai and kushi decided to meet for dinner like you all knows. Not like last time kushi didn't put a lot of effort in getting ready because she already knows how much Jai is actually possessive.

She is far more happy to meet Jai, throughout this week she is waiting for weekend eagerly. On the other side Jai is same, he is also waiting for weekend. And that weekend is finally arrived.

Kushi got ready in her boutique like last time and informed to her Amma (mom), that she is having her dinner with her friends. Kushi selected a red full length gown with cream colour dupatta. She wore it and add only heavy jumkas. Her hairs are tied in a bun.

Kushi's dress............

She didn't wear heavy makeup because she is a natural beauty. So she add maskara, eyeliner, nude pink lipstick.

On the other side Jai wear blue half shirt and jeans add sneakers.

He gelled up his hair and neatly combed them, he add watch and done.

He took his car keys and started for to pick up kushi. He is humming song throughout the ride, he looked happy. Soon he reached to kushi boutique, he pulled off his car engine and went in to boutique.

He asked kushi's assistant for kushi, she said she is in her office. Jai thanked her and went to kushi's office, he knocked on door and opened door after listening to come in.

Kushi saw it's Jai and she stood up from her chair abruptly.

"I don't know it was you." She said and stood in front of him. Jai looked at Kushi, and smiled brightly and yeah he liked what she wear this time.

Kushi saw it and she to checked him out, a smile spread on her lips too. Soon she cleared her throat to get Jai's attention and it worked.

"Is this dress is okay, sir??" She said with a playful smile, Jai nervously rubbed his back of neck and nodded his head.

"You are looking perfect. Beautiful and all." He said and kushi blushed a little listening to him.

"But......one sec..." He said and came near her, he stood in front of her like there is only one inch gape only there in between them. Kushi inhaled his Cologne, and she like the smell of his cologne.

Jai leaned forward and made her hairs fall down, and he slowly pulled them on her left shoulder. When his hands brushed her back, kushi shivered a little and she felt goosebumps all over her body.

Jai to noticed it and smirked, he liked it, the effect of his on her. He backend a little and look her and smiled even more.

" Now perfect." He said admiring her, that made kushi blush more. She hung her head low to not show her blushing face to Jai, but he already saw it.

"Shall we?" Kushi said to not embarrass more.

"Ofcourse, after you." Jai said and left some space for kushi, kushi started walking. When she is in front of him, Jai kept his hand on her small back, leading her to out and be held door to.

Kushi smiled looking at his little gestures of care and concern for her and her heart filled with happiness. She liked it very much. When they are in front of car Jai opened door for kushi, held it in his hands and signalled her to sit.

"Gentleman and all, haaa!!" Kushi teased Jai, jai smiled to her.

"I'm always a gentleman, mam. But you never allowed me to show it." Jai to counterattacked to her.

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