36. Craziness

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Laxmi's POV...................

Yes, it's Jai, our kushi's hero came to save her. Kushi saw him in shock and slight blush spread on her cheeks. They both looked eachother with so much love.

"Why are you so clumsy? You could have get hurt, if you fallen!!" Jai said still holding her in his arms.

Then kushi came out from her dreamland and saw Jai. He is just showered and came out from his washroom, but he didn't expected Kushi. He saw her in shock and he even thought he is day dreaming, but when she is about fall. He realised he is not daydreaming or anything and stopped kushi from falling.

He is only in his towel that to covered in his lower waist. Kushi saw his well built chest and that to naked, she blushed even more but she didn't backend from his hold. She just wanted him to hold her like this whole wife. And we all know how kushi is, so it's quite common for us too.

"I know you will save me from falling. Then why should I care about it?" Kushi shrugged her shoulders, Jai chuckled to her words. He made kushi stand on her legs, and kushi pouted. Even Jai don't want to leave her but he is reluctant too, because his towel is about to fall down.

"What are you doing here? And in my room? And that to on my bed??" Jai showered his questions on kushi. Jai crossed his hands in front of his chest. But that only make kushi see his biceps which are popped up while he folding his hands and kushi gulped her saliva.

"Ummm, uhhha, actually Rishi Anna brought me here for dinner, yeah dinner. And Priya, Priya she said she show me house. So, I came here." Kushi stammered hard looking at Jai naked chest and biceps too.

"And what are you doing on my bed??" Jai asked as he took steps towards kushi, and kushi backend thinking about an excuse.

"I, I, I, haaaaa, I was checking mattress. Yep I was checking it." She said still walking backwards.

"And, why do you want to check my mattress??"

Fuck, kushi cursed herself in her mind, for stammering in front of him. Still she think for another excuse.

"Haaaaa, actually my mattress it's not comfy anymore. So, I thought to see it." She said and took a deep breath, and prayed to God. Till then her back touched wall, Jai leaned more by keeping his both hands on either side of her.

"And, what are you doing with my portrait??" Jai asked in his husky voice as he leaned more and there is only an inch gap between there lips. That question took kushi completely off guard, she blinked her eyes for some times but nothing worked.

And Jai being this close to her also not helping her, her eyes diverted to Jai lips and she closed her eyes while pouting a little. She is ready to lose her first kiss, but after waiting for sometime also there was no movement. So kushi frowned and opened her eyes to see Jai smirking looking at her.

"Are you expecting a kiss?" He asked as he smirked again, but little did he know about kushi. Kushi felt angry and in next second, she pulled Jai by his neck and pressed her lips to his lips.

Making Jai completely shock, but soon he recovered from shock and he too started kissing her back. He pulled kushi by her waist more and kushi hands are already in his hairs, playing with them.

Kushi bite on Jai's lips hard because she remembered how he smirked looking at her. That made Jai to groan hard and opened his mouth, kushi pushed her tongue and savoured his tongue with her.

Afterwards some time she left his lips for breath, and then Jai captured her lips again. Though he didn't bite them, but he licked her lips with so much love. His left hand cupped back of her neck, to not move her more. 

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