35. Picture

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Laxmi's POV..................

Yes, Priya clicked the picture like you all guessed. When she is woke up and came to kitchen to look at her akka. She witnessed Rishi and Aarohi both kissing eachother, forgetting there surroundings.

Rather being shy or embarrass she felt happy and took picture of Aru and Rishi kissing. Leading Aru push Rishi and Rishi really felt angry. But looking at Aru's Blushing face Rishi felt happy and he smiled.

"Priya, what are you doing here? And how did you came in?" Aru asked looking at priya surprised.

"I came in early morning, Akka. But I never thought that I would witness such a scene." Priya said while wiggling her eyebrows to Aarohi. Already red Aarohi turned in to tomato listening to Priya.

"Why you came in early morning? And how you even wake up in morning?" Aarohi asked more in surprised, that Priya woke up in early morning.

"Akka, not only me Anna, mom, dad came in early morning to check on you. But you are sleeping, I was so sleepy. So Bava said to sleep in another bedroom." Priya said and sat beside Rishi on dinning table.

"You already know she is here?" Aarohi ask Rishi, Rishi shrugged his shoulders nodding his head.

"And you still kissed me in kitchen." Aru lightly hit Rishi on his shoulder. But Rishi winked to Aru, making Aru angry more.

"I'm going to upload this picture in Instagram." Priya announced while grinning looking at picture of Aarohi and Rishi's kissing picture.

Aarohi choked on her water listening to Priya, Rishi looked at her surprised but soon recovered.

"Priya, you are not doing anything like that. I'm warning you!!" Aarohi said to Priya but Priya didn't even cared.

Priya showed her tongue to Aarohi.

"Caption is akkabava(Sis and bil) Goodmorningkiss ( good morning kiss) and romanticcoupleofthecentury ( romantic couple of the century)." Priya said, Aarohi looked at her in shock.

"Priya, give me your phone. You are not doing anything like that." Aarohi said.

"You say it, Bava. Should I upload it or not?" Priya looked at Rishi and asked him.

"I don't care if you do or not, besides I kissed my own wife." Rishi shrugged his shoulders, Aarohi glared at him.

"Stop it Rishi, she is crazy she will upload it. Without thinking anything." Aarohi said and went to Priya to snatch her phone. But Priya ran from there.

"Priya, give me your phone." Priya shook her head, and Aarohi chased Priya. Priya ran in living room and Aru chased her from behind shouting at her. Rishi too came to living room, and a chuckle escaped from his lips looking at both sisters.

Suddenly front door opened and came Dev, looking at Dev Priya stopped running. Aru took phone from Priya's hand, a slight blush formed on Aru face looking at picture.

Picture was really beautiful, Aru too didn't want to delete it but she didn't had an option. She pressed on delete option before pressing yes, Rishi came and pulled phone from her hands by pecking on her cheek.

He transferred picture to his phone and give back phone to Aru.

"Now you can do whatever you want too." Aru glared at him but finally deleted picture and released a deep breath.

"Well, my little brother Dev, will you do the honours of moving aside. In that way I can enter in." It's kushi, that make move Dev and Priya.

"Oh my, my, so this is the reason, my little brother is standing like an idol." Kushi said once she saw Priya. Yes guys kushi knows about Priya and Dev's relationship.

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