22. Heartbeat

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Before going in to chapter, please guys read my note too. It has an important news.

Aarohi's POV...........

Today was the day I'm going to join in company, I'm happy and nervous too. Yesterday was best day, I got chocolate boutique from obviously Rishi.

I call him husband yesterday, I don't understand why? But I felt happy while calling him as husband. I'm slowly falling for him, or maybe I already fallen and that was the worst thing happening in my life. Because I know I will left heart broken one day.

How much I'm trying to not open up myself in front of him, but I always left my guards down around him. He is such a pain for me, he never listen to me and do what he wants to do and make me participate in the things which I don't like.

Arguing with him was such a big shock for me, he really knows how to make my mind divert from one topic to another. He knows very well about me, how to make me happy? How to make me smile? And the worst is, How to make me blush too?

I felt relief in Rishi's arms, a calmness which I lost it years back. I felt protected in his arms, I just wish that I have him for my whole life but I know I can't. He doesn't deserve me, he deserves best. What If he came to know the night which I'm dreadful to even think about, which is my nightmare. He will left me, when he comes to know about it.

I shivered thinking about it, unknowingly my tears find there way to my cheeks. I hurriedly wiped them, not to show my crying face to my colleagues.

Right now I'm in lift going to the floor where all intern's are usually trained. Lift doors opened and I saw a lady is sitting in front of desk and working on computer. I went to her to ask more details of where I have to go and whom I have to meet first.

"Good morning, can I know where intern's are trained?" I ask, she looked at me and smiled to me.

"Go straight and turn left first door, you have to report to head of the department first, he will tell you what to do ." I nodded my head and said a thank you to her and went in the direction she told me.

"Excuse me sir, I'm new intern joining today. Aarohi." I said, he is in his fifties, with bald head and a big belly hanging.

"Oh so you are Aarohi, I'm thinking about you only. I don't know how you get this opportunity to getting in Raj companies. Now I saw you, I get it." He said and saw me with disgust and snarled.

I felt really low and my eyes got wet, listening to him.

"Excuse me sir. What do you mean by that comment." I asked.

"What I said is what I mean, now take those files and get lost from my sight." He said with even more disgust and diverted his eyes to computer.

I took those files " what I have to do with them? sir." I ask him, he turned and saw me with angry filled eyes. What is the problem with him? I never met with him? This was the first time I saw him? But he is too rude to me.

"Use your brain, women. Ohh, I'm sorry you must don't have it, right? That's why you got this job in other way." I narrowed my eyes to him, what he is talking?

"What do you mean sir, spit it out." I shouted, I completely lost my patience.

He looked pissed off, and got up slamming his hands in front of his desk with loud bang. I jumped from my place, I clutched my heart with my hands, throwing the files down which I was holding. He is looking way too dangerous now. I'm literally shivering looking at him, he is glaring at me.

I don't get any good vibe from him, I'm sweating badly.

"You want me to spit it, right. Then listen, bitch, you got this job by selling your fucking body. You used your body, and got this job. By the way, how much you cost  for one nig....." Before he completes his sentence I slapped him hard on his cheek.

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