21. Handsome

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Laxmi's POV.............
(I hope you didn't forget who is laxmi guys)......

Jai and kushi were so in to eachother that they forget to move forward, later kushi moved to Jai with a smile and a little blush on her cheeks. She went near jai and cleared her throat to get attention of Jai and finally he came back to world from his Dreamland.

"You are looking beautiful and hot." Jai said without thinking much, soon he realised what he said and tried to cover up.

"I mean it's hot, here." Kushi is not dumb to not understand what Jai really meant. But she played with him and nodded her head.

Jai took a deep breath thinking that kushi really buy his lie, but we all knows what kushi is. He smiled and handed red roses to kushi. Kushi took them with a lot of happiness overflowing in her, and she very well know what is the meaning of giving red roses. So she is literally dancing in her mind and smelled them.

"They are beautiful." She said admiring flowers.

"Not more than you." Jai said without thinking again, kushi looked at jai now her cheeks turned to sightly red colour listening to Jai complement.

Jai pulled chair for kushi, kushi thanked him while sitting on it and Jai sat in front of kushi.

Jai is happy though he doesn't like what kushi wear, and yeah he is a very possessive person like kushi want him. So, whenever someone staring at kushi, he smiled but in actual his blood is boiling. Under the table his hands became fist's, He just want to punch those bastard's very hard, but he doesn't want to put an impression like a possessive person in front of kushi. He is bearing, he thought kushi would be like Aarohi. Innocent and naive but little did he knows, that kushi and Aarohi are two opposite poles.

Here in other side kushi, is thinking that he must be not possessive because he maintained a constant smile on his face. That made kushi a little bit sad and she wants to go from there.

"Shall we order something?" Jai asked kushi, without knowing what kushi is thinking in her small brain. Kushi to nodded her head, she decided that this will be the last meeting with Jai, so she thought to spend some time with Jai.

They placed there orders, and started waiting for orders. They didn't talked anything, there was an awkward silence in between them.

While waiting for there orders, someone from beside them passed a vulgar comment on kushi. Kushi glared at those persons, but those bastard's winked to her.

Before kushi can do something, one of the waiter carrying a tray with hot coffee fell on both of them. They cursed the waiter and went to washroom.

"I'll just come." It was Jai, who said to kushi and went to washroom.

Actually Jai was the one who make waiter fall on those bastard's, when he listened the comment on kushi, that was his last straw to loose every bit of his gentlemen nature.

Jai stormed in to washroom and directly attacked both of them. He punched and kicked them, vigorously.

Here our kushi is very upset when she saw Jai not even reacted when those men were passing vulgar comments on her. She was so disappointed, to the level her eyes held tears.

She want to be with Jai, but he is not even keeping his stand in front of her. She looked vulnerable more than those comments, Jai behaviour hurt her. Unknowingly she even shed tears.

She wants to go and never wants to see Jai again in her life. She decided that and got up from her chair. Not even bothering about informing Jai and didn't took the bouquet too. 

Her heart cried remembering Jai's behaviour, it killed her thinking she put so much efforts in this but the result is her broken heart.

So, finally mission possessiveness failed, she thought and laughed at herself that she made herself a laughing thing in front of Jai.

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