28. Caring Partner

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Laxmi's POV...................

Yes it's Dev, who stood there looking at his love suffering from stomach ache. She formed in to Ball, sweating badly and tears are still running down. It pained his heart to look at her like this in pain. He cursed himself for doing it to her, he blamed himself for her pain.

The second Priya lifted call, Dev sensed that something is wrong with Priya and he is right. He figured it should be stomach ache because she ate so much cake and didn't eat anything rather than cake.

"Love..." He called Priya, he lied beside her and took her in his embrace.

"Dev...." Priya whispered in surprise, a sob escaped her mouth. But now she is in so surprise that she didn't about her pain. She never thought he would show up. She slowly turned to his side.

A gasp escaped from Dev's mouth, when he saw Priya's face. Her face is pale as white paper, it looked like blood was drained from her face. With dried lips, and strained cheeks.

He never saw Priya in this state, she always like smiling from ear to ear. And whenever she saw him, she would go crazy, kissing him in front of everyone or pulling his cheeks. But now she just lied beside him still clutching her stomach and looking at him in surprise.

"It hurts, Dev. My stomach it hurting." She said in mare whisper, and in between her sobb's. It really hurt his heart now, how vulnerable she look at him, he tighten his grip on her, pulling her to him by kissing her forehead.

"That's why? I told you not to eat much cake. But you never listened to me." He said, she clutched his shirt in her hands and kept her head on his heart. Listening to his heart beat it calmed her, it soothe her.

"I'm sorry, Dev." She said still nuzzling her head on his chest, like a small girl. Dev smiled looking at her actions, and kissed on her head. She looked adorable to him.

He sat and made her sit on his lap, leaning on headboard, he opened that parcel he brought when he is coming here. It's porridge which is made by Nithya, he said that his friend is suffering from stomach ache and being a nice hearted Nithya. She made porridge and packed it, for Devs friend.

"Open your mouth." He said as he kept a spoon full of porridge in front of Priya mouth. But Priya turned her face to other side, to not eat it.

"No, Dev. I'm not hungry, please." She said still looking other side.

"No Priya, you have to eat it. I don't listen to any reason, you have to complete it." He said sternly, and pushed spoon in her mouth. Priya pouted looking at him but Dev pained no attention to her.

For him now, her health is most important. And if he see her he would melt and he doesn't want that to happen. He want her to feed and take medicine, so he kept his angry face.

"Isn't I'm the" another spoon "patient you" another spoon " can't really have" another spoon " to behave to me" another spoon "like this" another spoon "you have to" another spoon " be sweet and" another spoon " gentle"

By the time she completed her speech, porridge to completed. Dev put aside the box and made her drink water and give medicine. Priya didn't protested more she silently took them, because it is waste to argue with him right now.

Dev made her lie and he too lied beside her, pulling her in his embrace. He started playing with her hairs, she just kept her head on his chest and closed her eyes.

"How is the pain now?" Dev asked after sometime, Priya lifted her head from his chest and looked at him.

"Pain is reducing." She said and again buried her head in his chest.

Forced By Him (But I Ended Up Loving Him More)Where stories live. Discover now