42. Cunning Rishi

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My reader's are same like me, so desperate... Even though I'm updating daily but still you want more and more.........

Laxmi's POV..................

Here interview started in studio, and in home everyone is watching it with full of interest.

And after half an hour interview came to an end, and then reporter asked the question, to which Rashmi is waiting desperately.

"Internet is full of gossips about your both marriage and dating, is that true?" Reporter asked to which Rashmi blushed a little and tucked her loose strands behind her ear.

Looking at her blush, Rishi wants to puke but he controlled and took a sip of water.

"So, when are you going to get married?" Reporter asked smiling.

"Hmmm actually, we are planning to get married.........." Rashmi started but Rishi interrupted her in middle.

"Whose marriage are you talking about??" Rishi asked reporter keeping his straight face. But even that made reporter to shiver, he gulped his saliva. While Rashmi looked at Rishi with shock expression.

"Mr Raj, it's yours and Ms Benerjee, marriage?" Reporter said while trying to sound normal. But in real he started sweating badly, looking at Rishi.

"How can I marry Ms Benerjee" Rishi paused for sometime and started again "when I'm already married." Rishi said in duh tone.

Then then, then, everything went pin drop silent, everyone is soo shock that they didn't even made any sound. They were afraid of Rishi, because everyone knows how he is in real.

When it comes to other than his family members, he became monster who will eat people alive. More than anyone reporter who asked the question was more afraid.

Because he still remember last year one of the reporter, took a large sum of money from rival company and published false news about Rishi. He is still missing, no one found him till now. No one dared to ask any question about him, even his own family didn't even filed a police complaint about his missing.

He started shivering and sweating badly, only remembering him. And now he did the same mistake, he too took money from Rashmi to ask this questions to Rishi. But he never thought rishi would already married.

Rashmi to assured him, that Rishi and Rashmi are in relationship, and she just want to make it public. He subconsciously saw Rashmi, she too in shock.

She didn't said anything just sat there like an idol, she never thought that Rishi will say it in out. She thought if she is successful in this then she can marry him by any ways.

She really underestimated Rishi, she is regretting now. But it is already late to realize what she has done.

In other side Rishi took his coffee cup, and sipped it like a king. Still maintaining a perfect posture of his face and at the same time very intimidating.

Reporter smiled awkwardly, and dried his forehead sweat with his handkerchief.

"I think we got wrong information about your marriage, Mr Raj. We are truly sorry for our irresponsible staff." He said as he bowed his head in front of Rishi.

"Irresponsible staff......" Rishi said in low voice, rotating his fore finger on his coffee cup edge. But that was enough to everyone who is present in studio broke in to cold sweat.

Rishi raised his head and looked at Rashmi, who is still in shock and turned to reporter.

"Who will take responsibility of your fake news?" Rishi asked in his cold voice.

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