48. Marry Me

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Rishi's POV..................

If I say I was on cloud nine it's also less what I'm feeling right now. My heart swelled up listening to Aru confession. Those three words are enough for my heart to do a mini dance and it did too.

I even forget about the crowd, I mean my staff. By now they all must be in daze, jealous, and most of the girls must be heart broken. Who must have kept so many hopes on me.

I heard a lot of gasps when I kissed Aru and soon they turned in to murmurs. But I less cared about them, When I was in lift before closing doors, I look at Ram, and that was enough for him to stop rumors on me and my wife.

Soon we ended on our couch in my office making out, again. God I would never get enough of her kisses, it's like always tastes different from last one's. It always like adding more sweetness in her lips  than last time and getting addicted to her lips.

She is sitting on my lap, more like straddle type. I left her lips when I felt she needs some air, and I too took some normal breaths.

"When did you fell for your husband?" I asked her more in a teasing way. She blushed and hide her face in crook of my neck and I chuckled looking at her.

"I want answers, wifey!!" I say as I made her look at me, by now she is complete red tomato. Uffffffffff, my Blushing Queen.

"Hmmm, when I kissed you for the first time on this couch." She said and I looked at her in shock.

"It's been so long sweetheart!! Why didn't you confessed me before, than?" I ask.

"Actually I thought you will leave me after knowing my past. And even after knowing my past you didn't left me, and I fell more for you. I always thought to express my feelings to you, but I felt shy. So I didn't and I recently came to know about your birthday and decided to express my love to you on your birthday.

You know on your special day, I want to confess you about my feelings for you. But today when I was about to get in to accident, I felt like I was wrong. I felt like I was stupid to wait for any special moment and I expressed my feelings to you." She said while rotating her forefinger around my shirt button. Like she always do, whenever she is sitting in my lap.

I smiled looking at her and her cheeks which turned in to brightest red colour. I kissed on her both cheeks which are  looking more like strawberries to me and I even bite on one of her cheek.

"Ouch!!" She said and hold her cheek in her hand and looked at me with angry eyes.

"That's your punishment, to not expressing your love to me before and making me wait for this long." I said and she pouted listening to me, that pout broke a smile on my lips. My cutie, I leaned and pecked on her pout.

" And Yeah, you don't need to wait for right time or special day. The day you express your love to me turns in to special one or more than special day for me, in my life. It even turns my worst day in to most memorable day." I said looking in to Aru eyes, and caressing her cheek with my thumb, and she hugged me by my neck.

"Sorry, Rishi. I make you wait for so long." She said and I hugged her to me.

"It's okay, but from onwards never hide anything from me. Whatever you feel say it to me, Okay. And yeah, finally you confessed to me, I'm more than happy now." I said as I tightened my grip around her waist.

"Even I'm also happy." I heard her saying.
She loosened her grip around my neck and rest her head on my chest while still playing with my shirt button.

"Rishi!!" She called me and I just hummed in response playing with her hairs.


"Can you marry me again. I want you to tie thaali(mangalsutra) around my neck, fill my hair partition with kumkuma( sindoor, vermilion) and keep toe rings in my feets." She said as she looked at me.

Forced By Him (But I Ended Up Loving Him More)Where stories live. Discover now