14. Shifting

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Aarohi's POV...,...........

We packed our stuff, I really don't liking this idea, of shifting somewhere. I don't want to seperate him from his parents, family and that to if reason is me it's a big no. But he is not listening to me, well when did he even listened to me, never.

He must have took an oath of never listen to what I'm saying, uffff. Why he is so stubborn? I sighed thinking about him.

We heard a knock on door, Rishi went to open door and smiled brightly to the person.

"Good morning, baby." It's really something unusual, who will call there own mom as baby. It's really weird. I have to ask him the reason.

Rishi's mom came inside they both hugged, and Rishi's mom I mean my athamma(mil) kissed on his forehead saying good morning. She turned towards me and smiled.

"Good morning, Aarohi." I smiled awkwardly to her, but she came and hugged me and plant a kiss on my forehead too. Such a sweet lady, I must say, she is beautiful with a good heart.

"Good morning, aunty." That make Rishi glare to me and athamma chuckled.

"Who is aunty here, I'm your athamma. If you are not comfortable in calling me that, then you can call me mom too. I don't mind at all." I nodded my head, she smiled to me and turned to Rishi.

"Rishi, your dad is looking for you, you go and meet him. I'll be with Aarohi."

"Fine, baby." He said and looked at me and smiled and went outside, closing the door.

Athamma (mil) took my hand and made me sit on bed and she to sat beside me, still holding my hand in her.

" So, what do you think about my son?" She asked me.

"I don't love him." I said what I feel, for some reasons she looked good by heart too. I thought she may help me in escaping from Rishi.

"I know it, but still you don't hate him, right." I nodded my head, it's true I don't hate him, I just don't love him but may be I like him.

Maybe, my mind mocked me.

Okay, not maybe, I like him.

"That's enough for my son. To make you fall for him." I looked at athamma(mil) shocked and I somewhere deep in my heart belive it too.

"Don't look at me like that, see I know about these Raj family guys very well. If they love someone, they mean it, and make everything happens in there way. And they shower there love and time completely on that person, making sure that person will fall in love with them head over hills. Like I fallen in love with your mavaya(fil). And ofcourse if they hate someone they make there life hell too." I blinked my eyes for sometime to register what she is saying.

"And what do you think? How me and your mavaya(fil) got married?" She questioned.

"Love marriage." I remembered how Rishi's grandmother said when we came here, and looking how lovey dovey, they are actually. They must have love married only.

She laughed for sometime and composed herself looking at my confusion.

"No, you are wrong."

"Arranged marriage?" She shook her head.



She said how they married and what happens after that, I was looking dumbfoundly to her.( To new reader's, who want to know how Nithya and Dhruv got married? Please try my first novel "An Accidental Marriage")

"We married accidentally, but see how much we love eachother. Love change everything, so please give a chance to my son. And I'm sure he will make you fall for him. And most importantly don't forget how handsome my son is." She winked at me, I hung my head down not to know what to say.

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