46. Sweet And Caring Husband

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I'm adding pictures in community guys go have a look at them.......

Aarohi's POV..................

Next day I woke as usual from my sleep before Rishi, and looked at him. He is looking way too handsome in his sleep too, with messed up hairs and some even fall on his forehead. I smiled looking at him like a mad person, god I really got a handsome husband.

I slowly removed his hairs from his forehead without disturbing his sleep and lightly pecked on his forehead. Like he always do with me, I smiled brightly when I saw he is still sleeping.

Thank god otherwise I would have caught red handed by him. His hand is in my t-shirt resting on my bare waist like always, from day one of our marriage. I removed it and went to Washroom and did my morning chores. And took a hot shower which is must needed in this cold winter.

I selected black saree today, no, I didn't selected it. But it was selected by kushi and priya, they even took promise from me to wear this saree. Like I said before this is also a net saree, I draped it like those devil's said to, I mean below my navel.

But however I drape this saree, it will trigger Rishi way too much. Because the blouse is having only a hook in back and in front it's deep cut like Showing my cleavage for some bit, and saree is obviously see through, because it is net saree.

I really don't want to do it to my hubby, but I gave my promise to them. I sighed and went to kitchen to prepare coffee for both.

(You can feel pity on Rishi from onwards only guys)..

Rishi's POV..............

Like always I woke up from my sleep, feeling nothing beside me, this girl. I sat up and went in to washroom, I did my chores and did gym for sometime and a shower.

I got ready for my office and I remembered what Aru wear yesterday and I really praying to God. That today she doesn't wear anything to seduce me more. I'm already at verge in night, if she did the same I don't know what I will do to her.

I started for kitchen still praying to and god and Laxmi. But my all prayers are went in a trash can, because Aru is wearing more sexy saree than yesterday.

I gulped looking at her backless bouse which is way too revealing than yesterday. May be god would listened to me but Laxmi will never, she must took an oath to kill me like this.

Aru back is welcoming me to kiss and without my permission my legs started walking on there own.

I plant a small kiss on her back and she jumped from her place. I held her waist and made her stand properly, still her back is facing me.

"Ri.. Rishi!" She stammered, I leaned and started kissing her back. She is Shivering to my each and every kiss, which I liked most. My one hand went to her front and cupped her breast in my hand and lightly squeezed it.

"Ohh God,... Rishi...." She moan and that only made things worse. Because I started tracing my tongue on her neck to earlobe.

She turned to me and hugged me burying her face in crook of my neck. But I didn't stopped, I gave feather like kisses on her shoulder to neck. And I bite on her sweet spot, till then she is a moaning mess.

I made her sit on kitchen slab, by her waist and took her lips in to a passionate kiss. I squeezed her breast hardly, when she doesn't give me my entrance. And she gasped then I thrusted my tongue in her mouth.

Her hands are already around my neck playing with my hairs. I opened her hook which is on her back and slowly slide her blouse from her shoulder to down.

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