25. Annoying

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Rishi's POV................

I sat there looking at Laxmi with a hope that she will tell me about Aru. I really don't know what happened to Aru in her past, and I really want to know about it.

The moment I listened to her murmuring I decided that I'm going to know about it by any way. Laxmi was not only my option, I mean I can hire a private investigator too. If not Laxmi going to help me, I'm going to hire private investigator for sure.

I just want to know about Aru completely. What is stopping her to accept me? More than that what is the past that is stopping her to accept her own feelings for me? My love will never fade for her, whatever happened to her in her past doesn't effect my love for her.

I love her, and I will love her throughout my life, she will be the only one in my heart. I just want to spend my entire life with her happily without any worries like baby and nanna (dad).

"Rishi, don't you think it's Aarohi's story. It's better that she say it to you not me." I heard Laxmi bringing back from my thoughts.

"I know it's her story but you think she will open up in front me. She is too unsecured Laxmi." I said.

"She will Rishi, just give her sometime to open up. Just wait for right time to come and she will gradually tell you everything." She said, I sighed.

"See you are doing good, actually great, just love her in the same way, you are doing and one day she will open up everything in front of you by herself. Trust me Rishi." She said and squeezed my hand, I looked at her and nod my head.

"I don't know Laxmi, how many days I will?" I said as I leaned my head on her shoulder.

"Come on, Rishi cheer up. From when my angry bird become like this, dull and sad. Is it because I'm not coming and meeting you, then don't worry I'll come to meet you no, no, no to annoy you often. Okay." I smiled and raised my head from her shoulder.

"Yeah, please do the honours. We all missing your bickering." I said.

"Excuse me, I never bicker it always you who starts it." She said while keeping her hands on her chest.

"Yeah, think what makes you sleep tight." I shook my head.

"But on a serious note, will she give me chance Laxmi?" I ask.

"She will angry bird. Don't you see any changes in her behaviour, from starting. Just give her some time and everything will be set." She say, I thought for sometime. Yes there are so many changes happened in her, I'm hoping she will open up in front of me.

"Just tell me one thing, I promise I won't ask other question?"


"Is that very bad happened to Aru?" I ask her but I'm hoping it is not a serious or bad thing. She sighed and look at me.

"It's worst, what she experienced in her past. She has to go through a lot Rishi, if I said it worst means it's worst only. At some time she even thought about giving up her life." She ended and I looked at her shocked.

"No!!!" I said as I get tears in my eyes. She kept her hand on mine and patted it.

"That's the reason, I'm always telling you to love her more. She deserves it, just love her, show how much you love her. Show how much you want her in your life. Show, how important she is actually for you. Tell her and make her believe that she deserves everything in her life. Including you." She ended pointing her finger to me.

"I will." I said with determination, she smiled to me.

"I know you will."

"But still I'm curious to know about her past." I said

"Give her some time, she will tell you."

"Can't you say it, I'm impatient now."

"No, I can't. That's her story, let her be reveal it."

"So, after listening to her past, what if I leave her? Like she thinks? You believe in me that I won't leave her."

"I won't believe you but I believe myself, I know you won't but still if you even think so. I will kill you with my own hands." She showed her two hands to me.

"Wow, I'm just blessed to have an author like you." She raised her eyebrows at me.

"Say it?"

"I mean, which author can think about killing her own male lead, only you can think in that way."

"And which stories male lead took a romantic classes from author. Only you can do it." She mocked me.

"You are so annoying, Laxmi." She turned towards me.

"Not more than you, angry bird."

"Arguing with you is the worst thing I ever did, in my life." I said.

"Then who are asking you to do so, just get lost from here." She waved her hand to me.

"Excuse me, this house is mine and you are in my freaking living room." I say as I cross my hands in front of my chest.

"Yeah, and this story is mine and you are my freaking imagination." She mimicked me and crossed her hands in front of her same like me.

I scoffed to her words and she to did the same, we looked at eachother and laughed thinking about our bickering.

"Good night, angry bird." She said as she stood up from sofa.

"Good night, Laxmi." I said and went to bedroom. Where my wife is sleeping peacefully, I laid beside her and pulled her in my embrace, she to nuzzled and hugged me by my waist.

"Rishi, don't leave me please." I heard her murmuring, I kissed on her forehead.

"I won't, sweetheart. I will never, whatever your past is, I'm not going to leave you. I promise you, It will never effect our future, you will be with me till death part us." I said and hugged her tightly to my heart.

I closed my eyes allowing sleep to took over me.

Days are going on fast but still Aru didn't open herself in front of me. But I can see a big changes in her.

I'm just hoping she will open herself in front of me soon.

Hello my lovely reader's

I know, you all must be disappointed. But trust me it will be good if Aru say it by herself.

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