3. Family Time

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Rishi's pov...................

"Baby" I shouted, she turned to me and opened her hands for a hug with a big smile . I went to her and hugged her tightly, I Missed her so much. Specially falling sleep in her lap and her food. She is pro in making food.

"What a surprise, when did you came? I didn't know you are coming back today." I asked her sitting in sofa.

"Missed my babies so much, so I cut down vacation days and came back to my babies." She said and kissed on my forehead, I smiled brightly looking at her.

"where is nanna( dad)?" I asked.

"In his office." Baby replied in a bored tone, I know how much she hates it when we do office work in home. Suddenly I remembered what I said to my secretary about sending files to home. I silently messaged him not to send any files to home, I really don't want to upset my baby.

"So, enjoyed your vacation." I asked, they went for honeymoon for god knows how many times.

"Amma......." We heard kushi voice, I tilted my head and she came running towards baby and hugged her tightly.

"Oooh missed me?" Baby asked kushi.

"So much, amma." Kushi said and baby kissed on her both cheeks.

"You don't missed me princess." I heard nanna voice from steps.

"Nanna......,." Kushi screamed and hugged dad tightly.

"Missed you so much, nanna. And I love you so much."

"I love too my princess, more than anything."

"Then what about me Mr Dhruv." My dad face instantly paled listening to baby. He looked at baby in horror and gulped while baby rises her eyebrows at him and crossed her both hands in front of her chest.

"I love you too, baby." He said looking horrified, baby and I busted looking at him. We high fived eachother while laughing, we always play with dad like this.

"N0 one loves me here." I heard dev voice, and here drama Queen is arrived. I looked at him, he is pouting and crossing his hands in front of his chest with a sad face. I shook my head looking at him.

"Dev, my baby. Amma loves you so much, come and give a hug to amma. I missed you Dev." Baby said and in next second Dev launched himself on baby.

"I Missed you too amma, and I love you." He kissed on both cheeks of baby.

"How many times I have to tell you, don't kiss my wife." Here my dad again, he never liked when me or dev kissed or hugged baby. But we never listened to dad, come on she is our mother after all.

Dad will always pissed off, seeing our affection towards baby. To irritate him we always do more, and in end he will be scolded by baby. To irritate him I hugged baby from one side and Dev hugged her from another side, we both kissed her cheeks at the same time and the result is he is completely pissed off.

"She is my amma" Dev said.

"She is my baby" I said.

"And I'm your father." He said through gritting his teeth. Poor teeth, we all laughed at him.

"That's the same thing we want to tell you
Nanna. You are my father and she is my mother, so kissing her is common for us." Dev said and in return got a deadly glare from dad.

To not irritate him more we both went to him and hugged him and he returned it back.

"Missed you, nanna." We really missed him, especially irritating him. I looked at Dev and he winked at me, we both kissed dad's cheeks.

Forced By Him (But I Ended Up Loving Him More)Where stories live. Discover now