26. Pranking

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Laxmi's POV................

Dev and priya decided to meet in coffee shop, Dev arranged a surprise for priya. On the occasion of, you will know it soon, till then wait.

Priya is already waiting for Dev in cafe, and our dev is stuck in traffic and cursing traffic. Priya is angry, it's been half n hour since she is waiting for Dev but Dev didn't showed up on time. Priya thought to not to talk with Dev for sometime as a punishment for him.

Soon Dev came to cafe in hurried, he sat in front priya.

"I'm sorry, love. I got stuck in traffic, you must be waiting for me quite a time right." He said but priya ignored him and started using her phone.

Dev saw priya ignoring him, he felt sad to get ignorance from priya. Because she always like to hug him whenever she saw him, but now she is completely ignoring him.

"Priya, sorry, I didn't done it intentionally love. Please understand me." He took priya hand in his but priya took it back. And started looking her surrounding still ignoring Dev.

Actually priya thought to forgive him, but looking at him pleading her. She thought to play for sometime more.

"So, you are not going to talk with me?" Dev ask but priya didn't said anything.

Dev got an idea to how to make her talk with him and how to make her forgive him.

"Fine, then." He stood up and went to another table and sat there. There was a girl present on that table, Dev and that girl started talking and even laughing.

Here our priya became complete red because of anger. And she saw that girl trying to touch Dev's hand. That was priya's last straw, she stood up and went to them.

Priya held Dev's collar and make him stand and glared at him.

"Hey, girl what's wrong with you? Why are you holding him with his collar?" That girl shouted and she too stood up. That girl have already created a little hope towards Dev, ofcourse he is handsome. So, you can understand now.

Because of that girl shout, every one's attention diverted to them. And everyone started gossiping about them, priya turned to her and glared at her.

"What's wrong with me? You are asking me? What's wrong with you? How dare you to touch my fiancee? Haa." Priya took a step to slap that girl, but Dev held her by her waist, lifted her and took her to there table.

Dev made priya sat on chair and he too joined it.

"Fiancee haa, when are we engaged?" Dev asked in a serious tone. Dev thought to pull priya's leg. So, he asked that but priya thought he don't want her to be his fiancee that's why he is asking this.

She felt hurt and even her eyes got tears, without answering to Dev anything she stood up and ran outside cafe. She hopped in a taxi and said her destination to driver. She sat silently in her seat and started crying.

Priya thought that she will marry Dev one day, she loved him to moon and back. She never looked at any male person rather than Dev. Her heart cried when she thought about Dev doesn't want her, her heart broke in to thousand pieces.

From day one of there relationship, she dreamed of being Dev's wife, fiancee and girlfriend. She thought she would be the only one Dev will select at last, but the truth is very different from what she thought. She cried, and cried and cried thinking about her dream, which is shattered even before starting.

She cried thinking Dev holding someone in her place, she bit her lower lip very hard to stop her sobbing leading to get hurt and blood came out from it. Even that cut is so small and that pain is so small comparing to the pain she is having feeling in her heart. It was like someone is sat on her and continuously stabbing her with knife in her heart.

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