33. Left Alone

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Rishi's POV...................

I just sat there doing nothing and trying to take in everything which she just said. If I say I was shocked it would be understatement, I was beyond shock.

I never thought her past would be this  terrible, she has gone through so much in her life. That's the reason she always kept silent, that's the reason she didn't give me and my love a chance. Because she is afraid of being left alone.

I'm angry on myself too, only if I would have meet her in her past. When she need some one desperately, she wouldn't have gone through that. And about her family I'm going to make each and every person pay for it. They fucking going to pay by there life's to make my love go through that.

"I will leave, Rishi. No one........" This girl I'm telling you, she knows how to get on my nerves. She again thinking of leaving me at this point too. And disgusting, where from this fucking disgusting came from. Aru you are going to pay for it sweetheart.

She went from there and I closed my eyes and took deep breath to control myself. Fuck now Aru you got it on yourself.

I stood up and she even before entering in bedroom, I pinned her to wall and claimed her lips aggressively. I kissed her so roughly thinking always about leaving me, I didn't left her lips when she is about to faint I left her lips.

"Is it enough for you to believe that I don't feel disgusting about you or should I have to make love to you. To prove that I don't feel disgusting about you, haaa!!" I asked  looking in to her eyes. She didn't said anything but just looked at me like I have grown two heads.

That means she doesn't believe me. Aru, you very well know how to irritate me. I took a deep breath and carried her bridal style.

"You don't believed it right, then let me make you love to you. In this way you will for sure believe me." I said as I kept her on bed and removed my shirt and hovered on her.

I kissed on her lips again, but this time it's not aggressively it's lovingly. She too gave in and kissed me back, her hands went in to my hairs and started massaging them. My hands roaming on her body, I slide my hand under her T-shirt and took her breast in my hand and lightly squeezed it.

She moaned in my mouth, and arched her back. I moved my forefinger on her nipple through her bra, gaining a sexy moan from Aru.

I left her lips and touched her forehead with mine. We both are breathing heavily.

"Do you believe me or not? Aru." I ask as I opened my eyes and looked at her, she sightly nod her head as yes. I smiled and kissed on her lips again with so much love I have for her.

"Good!!" I said and lied on bed pulling her in my embrace. It's not easy for me to stop here but it's necessary to stop it here. What if she thinks I don't love her I just have lust for her. And that was the last thing I want in my life.

I will make her mine, when she is ready to give herself to me completely without any hesitation and for that I have to do so much work.

"Rishi, you don't hate me haaa??" I heard her whisper, I furrowed my eyebrows. Where this hate came from, I make her look at me holding lifting her head by her chin.

"No, I don't. In fact my love for you increased today. Because you are so strong more than I thought. And I love you more now." I said and kissed on her forehead, I really feel proud of Aru, she beard everything in her life but never give up.

And from now on I will be always in front of her life a wall, if anyone even think about harming her they have to face me.

"But I......" I kept my finger on her lips and shook my head.

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