80. 305 (S.M)

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This is written in first person!

Maybe it's my own paranoia or a strange combination of insecurities, but I can't help but feel like Shawn is going to leave me whenever he gets the chance to find someone better.

We've been dating for two years now, and it's been a hell of a rollercoaster ride. The bad thing about amusement parks though is that you'll hit a euphoric high, but you'll also find yourself clawing to get out of the lows.

I guess I'm currently in the 'low' stage of my life. It's like that's all I've ever known. It's not Shawn's fault, it's all on me and my own stupid mind.

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to get rid of all of your worst fears and thoughts? At least for a second. So much can happen in a short moment, and I wish that I could be granted that gift.

If only. . .

When I wake up the next morning, I have a headache. It's dull and barely beating, but it's there.

As I get up to grab a pill to ease the symptoms, it suddenly disappears. The strange feeling is gone, and it feels like I've been lifted up 10 thousand feet in the sky.

Everything feels so light and airy.

I hear Shawn yell in the distance, "babe?"

I shut my eyes and then open them again, finding that I'm back in my lively apartment bedroom with my tall boyfriend staring at me like I've gone insane. The clouds and rainbows are gone, but the rollercoaster feeling seems to persist in my stomach.

"Are you okay?" Shawn carefully asks.

"Yes! I feel great!"

He looks at me as if questioning if I'm being sarcastic, but seems to forget about it when I run over to give him a kiss on his cheek. He laughs, and wraps me into a close hug.

"You're quite happy today," he says as an obvious observation.

I simply smile as a short response, and I give him another kiss before yelling, "let's eat breakfast!"

I hear him quickly following behind me, and I make it to the kitchen first. It's not small by any means, but it's also not my taste. The modern style of the decade present in the white cabinets and silver appliances have never been my cup of tea, but it's not like I can object. This is all possible because of Shawn and his wealthy career choice.

I pull out a plentiful amount of of pots and pans from one of the cabinets, and I groan in annoyance when one falls out of my arms. I'm about to reach down when I realize that I'm only wearing an oversized t-shirt and undergarments, so I start pulling down at my t-shirt.

Then, I remember that it doesn't matter when Shawn whispers in my ear, "nothing I haven't seen before, but let me get that for you."

He traces imaginary lines across the back of my body before picking up the item, and handing it to me in a swift motion. Sudden happiness runs through me again like it did a few minutes ago, and I decide to plant another kiss on his cheek.

He seems to blush, and I find it amusing that it still happens even after 2 years. I think that I never give myself enough credit for being an affectionate partner in a way that seems to match his love language.

Physical touch has always meant a lot to him, and I've always played around with that fact, especially in our own private activities.

Why not mix it up right now?

As I proceed to step closer to him, I'm very aware that the usual me would not be bold enough to do this. But, that doesn't matter.

Nothing matters except for the two of us.

I motion for him to lean down, and I whisper, "green light."

It's our own special phase that we've always used; it hints that we're feeling desperate for certain needs.

He seems surprised as he says, "right here?"

He's referring to our kitchen, which is a new setting for the two of us. But, why not try something new?

He smirks and in a pleasant voice, says, "okay!"

He takes no time in pinning me against the refrigerator and laying sweet kisses on my lips. It's freezing on my back, but I don't mind. His firm hands are on my hips, and I'm wondering how I can make this progress at my pace.

I use up my strength to turn this around, and his back lands on the appliance. He smirks, and stands closer to me and away from the chilly air. I give him another kiss on the lips before telling him, "help me get on the countertops."

He helps me up, and I instantly pull him in closer. Normally, my fears about this all going wrong would prevent me from doing anything more, but I seem to have a lightning strike of confidence. He helps me with taking my shirt, one that belongs to him, off.

It only takes him a second to do the same for himself, and I've found that we're in a new position. I don't think that it's one that I'll hate. I tell him, "now."

He acts dumb as he smirks, saying, "now what?"

I'm rarely so direct with my language like this, but I decide to tell him, "fuck me. Now."

And that's how our morning goes. I guess it is possible to be given short breaks from your own doubts and concerns.

Ok. I don't know who wrote this. Not me. I would never write something like this. Never. Not me. Hope you enjoyed it!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2023 ⏰

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