51. Fake Relationship (S.M)

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"I'm tired of being used!"

"You knew what you were gotten into when you said yes. This is just as much your fault as it is mine!"

"She's not my ex! She's yours and it's your fault for even thinking about this idea."

"You agreed to it."

"And I regret that," you tell him.

"You can't back out now! The party is tomorrow."

"Just tell them I broke off the engagement. I can't go through a fake engagement and pretend I'm married!"

"I'll look like a fool which is exactly what I wanted to avoid. You're a horrible friend!"

"I'm the horrible friend? I'm not the one that forced someone to pretend to be his girlfriend."

"We had to escalate the relationship, she was getting suspicious."

"So? Say that we're taking our time!"

"She wouldn't believe that."

"I don't care! I'm done!"

You're about to gather your things and leave but he takes your arm and pulls you against himself.

"This isn't done until I say it's done."

"Let go of me before I place a restraining order on you!"

He immediately lets go and you leave, slamming the door on your way out. You think that he's left you alone but when you turn your head over your shoulder, he's running after you.

"Leave me alone!"

"Y/N, I can't."

He finally catches up to you and you stand impatiently, wanting to get whatever he's going to do, over with.

"Why can't you let this go? This fake relationship is over."

"I can't let it go Y/N because— I've been lying this entire time about my ex!"


"I used her as an excuse that I wanted to get her back because I didn't have the guts to actually ask you out without some crazy reason," he explains to you.

"You've been lying for a year, Shawn. It's too late to tell the truth."

"It's never too late for anything. Y/N, will you date me? For real?"

"Why would I do that?"

"You have to admit that I'm not the only one who had feelings. You have feelings for me too, I know you do. I'll cancel the engagement party— I'll do whatever it takes for you."

"Will you tell everyone the truth about our fake relationship?"

He gulps nervously but after a long pause, he finally nods.


"Is that a yes? A no?"

"Shawn, I just— how do I know this isn't just another part of the fake relationship?"

"You can talk to my ex, I'll prove to you that this isn't a fake relationship. It's real this time. I'm done lying to you."

"Are you sure?"


"I guess I have no choice," you say, faking an annoyed sigh.

He stands there and doesn't know whether you're going to tell him yes or no.


He immediately smiles and wraps you into a tight hug, one that actually feels real this time.

"Don't cancel the party tomorrow," you tell him.

"You want to get engaged?"

"No, Shawn! Change the party from an engagement one to a... party that's just for fun."

"So, a random party without any purpose?"

"We already bought all of the decorations, might as well use them for something. We can't cancel the venue now!"

"As long as I get to sing then you have a deal."

"I love your singing, so yes."

"Deal," he says.

"Deal," you say and you seal the deal by placing a kiss on his lips.

An exciting beginning to a real relationship.

Shawn Mendes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now