73. My Movie = My Choice (S.M)

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As you look on the set, you feel bad for the actors being yelled at right now. You wish that you could try to help them out or say anything, but since you're only an intern, you can't really afford to cause any problems. Not when the director, and your boss, Shawn Mendes, is harshly staring into your eyes right now.

He yells at you and you instantly run to his side, asking what he needs. You're eager to see him working but he simply orders you to get him another coffee order. You nod your head and walk away, but he calls you back again.

"Yes?" You ask.

"When you're done getting the coffee, I want you to handle the next scene."

"That would be an honor," you say, completely shocked.

He gives you a small smile and adds, "I see how hard you work."

You grin, but he turns away again and is back to his harsh yelling and terrifying attitude. You head to the coffee shop and order his usual, which you memorized by now. Except, on the list he gave you, another order is listed.

You admit, it's your favorite drink, but you start to think that it's probably for later today. Shawn would, of course, order enough coffee for the day since it's something he's done before. You take the two drinks back and hand them to Shawn when you arrive back at the movie set.

He silently takes one drink, mumbling a quick thank you before he hurries to yell at one of the actors.

"What about this other drink?" You ask when you finally get close enough to talk to him.

"It's for you, obviously," he responds, rolling his eyes as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.


"I don't have time for this Y/N! Drink it," he says.

"Oh, ok. Thank you!" You tell him, but he's already on his way to talk to someone else.

You wish you could talk to him more, after all, he is the reason why you got this chance. Without him existing, there wouldn't have to be a movie about his life and you wouldn't be here helping.

You begin to wonder about how Shawn got to this place. From a random town in Canada to suddenly becoming the biggest singer in the world with more awards than there are days in a year. Now, he had taken on the task of directing his own movie because he wanted to ensure that nothing would be done incorrectly.

Some may call him a control freak, but you find it cute that he wants to carry on his legacy in this way.

You shake your head at that last thought. You shouldn't even be calling him Shawn, it's supposed to be Mr. Mendes.

At that moment, Shaw— er, Mr. Mendes calls you over. You rush to his side and he tells you that the next scene will soon be starting.

"Thank you for this chance," you tell him.

"You don't have to thank me. Your talent got you here and I think you should show that off."

You don't understand suddenly, because he acts like an asshole to everyone but with you, he's kind. The opposite of what his image is made out to be.

Slowly, the scene starts and you act like you're the Shawn Mendes by ordering everyone around and demanding for them to start acting the right way. Being in the director's chair gives you this inexplicable power and fills you with adrenaline.

When the scene is over with, Shawn is shocked and says, "that was amazing!"

"Thanks!" You say.

"It was more than amazing. You are the only director I've ever seen that is actually capable of doing their job! The only thing lacking is the actor playing me.. so you know what?"

"...what?" You ask curiously, while others look on, worried that they're going to get fired or something equally as bad.

"Actor who plays me: Justin Bieber! You are horrible at this and I don't why they hired you, when you look nothing like me. You're fired. Now, I will be playing the role of me. Y/N here will be the new director of this film."

Your mouth is literally hanging wide open at this point, and Justin stomps out of the building as he yells a bunch of not very nice things at everyone.

"Filming is done for today! Tomorrow we will start over," Shawn yells at everyone.

With that, everyone runs out while you're left there, standing still in shock.

"You were great, Y/N," Shawn tells you.

"Thank you, Mr. Mendes."

"Don't call me that! Call me Shawn or else that makes me feel old when I'm not old."

He was right, since it had only taken him a decade from when he was 15 to make his mark on the world and to create this film.

"Okay, well thank you Shawn," you repeat.

He lays a small kiss on your check and says, "I've always liked you and it helps that you have plenty of talent, you deserve to be here."

You lay a finger on your check, thinking about how he just kissed you and you say, "I just never felt I deserved to be here. To be given this opportunity."

"You're a hard worker and you've always shown how you actually enjoy this job. You deserve this."

You smile, and you feel a bit bold so this time you kiss him, but on the lips. He returns it and you begin to pull away, in fear that someone might see.

Except, he pulls you back in and repeats, "you deserve this."

You two spend the day together, in the studio without a care in the world.

Everyone had always told you that you deserved to be here but this time, you actually believed it.

Thanks for reading! In conclusion, Justin Bieber is horrible.

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