70. Now or Never (S.M)

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  "Don't feel pressured," Shawn says, "okay? Got to go."

With that, he hangs up but you still feel uneasy which is something that your friend notices right away.

  "What's wrong?" She asks immediately.

  You shrug and she repeats her question again, finally making you say, "it's just that.. I don't know if I'm ready."

  "Ready for what?"

  "Ready for.. sex," you respond.

  "Is he pressuring you to?" Your friend questions.

  "No," you say.

  "Good," she tells you. "Because if he was, he deserves to be broken up with."

  "Shawn's a sweetheart. He wouldn't pressure me to do anything, but I'm pressuring myself to. I just don't know if I'm ready to or not."

  "Listen Y/N, there isn't going to be any magical signal that will tell you when you're ready. Give yourself some time," she explains.

  "How much time?"

  "Don't place a specific date on it! I took a few days, our other friend took three years, you'll figure it out at your own pace."

  "What if he wants to break up with me?" You ask.

  Your friend feels your sadness and says, "then he wasn't worth it anyways."

  You smile and a few seconds later, your phone 'pings' which brings your attention to it. To both your joy and anxiousness, it's a text from Shawn.

  Shawn 🥰 | 4:14 pm
  Hey, can I drop in at your house later?

"He wants to see me!" You exclaim.

  "Well.. you two are dating so I'm not really surprised that he wants to see you," she tells you. 

  "What if he expects an answer?"

  "Do you have an answer?" She asks.

  You shake your head, and look back down at your phone and at his text. You send him a 'yes' anyways and wait for him to respond.

You tell your friend to change the topic and she hesitantly does, then going on and on about a celebrity named Benito who is killing it in the music and modeling industry.

"I'm sorry!" She squeals excitedly, "he's just so amazing and talented!"

"Yeah, yeah," you tell her.

She rolls her eyes and mumbles under her breath something about, "some people just don't appreciate talent."

A while later, she's on her way home though and your boyfriend shows up. He looks great, as always, with black jeans and a button up shirt. His brown hair is fluffy and a smile is ever present on his face.

You walk into his arms and get wrapped into a hug, as he lays upon small kisses on your head.

"What's up?" He asks.

"Nothing! Why did you want to come over?"

"Things have been weird between us and I really don't want them to be weird," he admits.

"No, why would anything be weird?" You question immediately, making it obvious that you know what he's referring to.

"Fine, we don't have to talk about it. Do you want to a watch a movie?"

"Sure. Netflix?" You ask.

"And chill?" He adds, teasing you a bit.

You feel yourself tighten up and ignore him, merely walking to the couch to wait for him.

  "Sorry about that," he says.

  "It's fine. You're a teenage boy, this is typical of you guys."

  "It's not fine though," he tells you.

  You simply shrug and he repeats his apology again. You turn the TV on, putting on a movie from Netflix as you lean into Shawn's arms again. You both lay together calmly, cuddling away any bad feelings you had.

  When the movie starts to get boring, he begins to kiss you, adjusting himself so he can trail kisses down your face to your neck. You can't focus on the movie and instead direct your attention to Shawn's efforts. You kiss him back, engaging in a make out session that leaves you feeling a lot of things.

  He starts getting lower, tugging at your shirt a bit which you allow him to take off. Once things become even more heated though, you tell him to stop.

  "I don't know, Shawn..." you start.

  "I got carried away. I'm sorry about that," he tells you sincerely.

He's always kind, and has never expected anything crazy of you or demanded anything. He's different from the other sex-hungry guys your age, and it's what makes you love him even more.

  "I love you, I really do but I'm still confused. I just don't want to disappoint you."

  "Y/N, you can choose to do it now or never. I'm okay with whenever or if you never choose to do this," he explains.

  "It's now or never," you repeat.

  "That's not how I meant it," he says. "I truly mean that you have the choice of doing it now.. or never, or whenever you want to."

"It's now or never!"

  He looks taken aback this time and you laugh, leaning into a kiss again.

  "I love you," you tell him, "which is why I can't think of anything better than sharing this special moment with the person I love the most."

  He blushes, clearly feeling praised with the comments and delightfully returns the kiss. He asks if you want to go upstairs to your room and you happily accept the offer, leading him upstairs.

  What's next is predictable but your choice was made in the moment. A now or never, kind of choice and though you know that doesn't work for everyone, it worked for you right now. It was a choice that you wouldn't regret.

  Thanks for reading! Here's a reminder to please never feel pressured to do anything that you don't want to do. Especially if the other person is trying to force you to do something you're not comfortable with because trust me, they're not worth it ❤️

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