26. Secret Admirer (S.M)

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Requested by @PrincessMuffin21

Long chapter

"Are you sure about this?" You ask Aaliyah as she's shoves the note in Shawn's locker.

"I've never been more sure about anything," she says. "Trust me, he will love this."

"If you're sure..."

"Stop worrying," Aaliyah scolds me and then says, "I'm done. Let's go before he comes to his locker."

You nod your head, walking away with Aaliyah before he finds you at his locker. As you're both walking around the corner though, Aaliyah grabs your arm which forces you turn around. You look at her and she motions to Shawn's locker where Shawn now is.

Your heart seems to beat faster at the sight of him and you can't help but let out a long sigh in desire. As Shawn is about to open his locker though, Camila, his girlfriend suddenly comes along behind him and wraps him into a hug.

You glance away for a brief moment and then look back to find Camila now kissing Shawn.

"This was a waste of time," you tell Aaliyah. "Shawn has a girlfriend and he'll never notice me."

"Don't say that. Let's go walk by and see if he talks to you."

"He won't."

Aaliyah rolls her eyes and takes your arm, making you walk back into the hall with her. You try your best to look away from Camila and Shawn but you can't help it.

Why can't that be Shawn and I?

"Y/N?" A melodious voice asks.

You turn around immediately, enjoying the way Shawn says your name and you respond, "yes?"

Camila shoots you a glare as she's beside Shawn, probably angry that you ruined their kiss. You glance over your shoulder to find that Aaliyah's gone.

That sneaky...

Shawn interrupts your thoughts when he says, "how are you adjusting at school? I know you're still fairly new here so..."

"School is good. I've just had a hard time with not being to accept that some things just won't happen," you say and when he shoots you a questioning glance, you add, "the math test! I just have to accept that I won't get an A."

"If you try hard then I bet you can get an A."

"What if there are obstacles in the way though?" You ask, regretting the question as soon as it comes out.

"Well, if you truly deserve the A then the obstacles won't be a problem for you."

"I hope you're right," you say.

"Just get studying. I wanted to ask you if—"

"Shawn!" Camila whines, "let's go already!"

Annoyance seems to cross Shawn's face for a moment but it disappears as quickly as it had arrived.

"Well, I'll see you soon, Y/N."

You smile and say, "yeah, see you soon."

If looks could kill, you would have certainly already been dead with the looks Camila shoots at you. You quickly leave, not wanting to see anymore of her dirty looks.

Maybe Shawn's right, if I try then I can have a chance with him.


When news broke out a week later that the power couple, Shawn and Camila, were now broken up, the least you could say was that you were happy.

You were absolutely ecstatic and to be honest, you felt like jumping off the walls and finding Shawn just so that you could kiss him.

A week after beginning the notes of being a "secret admirer," you decided that today would be your final note and you knew exactly what you wanted to write.

As you were sitting at your desk in math class, you wrote out, "Heard you and Camila broke up. I'm sorry about that, here's your favorite muffin to cheer you up and if you want to figure out who this is then come to the homecoming dance tomorrow with a red rose."

You look at the muffin that you had bought before math class and feel nervous as you think about dropping it off at his locker.

After the boring class ends, which brings the ending of the school day, you quickly go over to his locker and drop off the note and muffin. You leave and as you turn to look over your shoulder, you find Shawn at his locker with the note in his hand and the muffin in his mouth.

Mission accomplished.


"I'm not ready, I'm not ready," you chant as you pace around the bathroom, not ready to go to back to the dance.

"Listen, Y/N, calm down. Shawn will absolutely adore you, c'mon. I saw Shawn by the entrance of the dance and why would he show up if he didn't have a date? He's obviously looking for you!"

"Shush, Olivia," you say, scolding your best friend for being so loud.

"Y/N, you will go come with me right now to the dance area so you can find Shawn."


She smiles, content that she won and you both leave the bathroom to go out to the dancing area. You look around the place and find Shawn in the corner of the place, laughing with one of his friends but a frown is clear on his face.

"I'm going to go find Hayes," Olivia says, mentioning her longtime boyfriend.

You nod your head and she leaves your side.

"Y/N, go get him!" Someone yells at you and you turn around to figure out that it's Aaliyah.

"I will," you say, determined to get Shawn.

Aaliyah smiles and motions to Shawn. You nod your head and go towards Shawn.

"Hey, Y/N," Shawn says when you come towards him.

You look at what he's carrying in one of his hands and find a red rose.

"Y/N, this was supposed to be for a 'secret' person but I doubt they're even going to show up anymore. I think the true person that deserves it is you."


"Yes, I broke up with Camila because I have feelings for you. I couldn't stand lying to Camila any longer so I broke up with her. You're an amazing girl and I would love it if you would go out with me."

"Shawn... I would love to!"

He smiles, seemingly too stunned to say words and he hands you the rose which you accept.

"Shawn, you should know... I'm the secret admirer."

Surprises cross his face and he says, "well, I'm glad you're the same person!"

You laugh and he suddenly brings his lips to yours.

When you both pull away, he says, "you don't know how long I've been waiting to do that."

1,090 words in this imagine. Longest imagine I've written by far. Anyways, hope you liked it!

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