55. Don't Blame Me (S.M)

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1st person!

Maybe I've taken it too far. . . Or maybe I haven't taken it too far enough. All I know is that Shawn is an attractive man, and my feelings for him seem to bubbling over like a pink sparkling drink.

That's why when I tell him, "meet me at the bathroom," he's already used to my random moments and eagerly nods in responds. We're in the middle of a party, but no one will notice we're gone.

If we're fast about it.

He follows me into the bathroom at the end of the hall, and quietly shuts the door behind us to conceal our actions.

Life is tricky, but this isn't. This is some different kind of magic, one that we're only trusted to create.

I've been drowning in my feelings for Shawn for the past two years, and the moment he asked me out six months ago was a shocking event for me. I was completely caught off guard, but ever since, we've been in our own version of a honeymoon.

It's bright and fun, but temporary. But, we won't focus on that right now. Because, right now, we're busy making out against the white sink as if we have all of the space in the world. I think that might add to the thrill of it.

He's whispering in my ear about how crazy all of this is, but he's enjoying it too. It only takes us five minutes to get out of the bathroom and back into our room full of guests. No one calls us out, and I'm thankful for that.

He makes his way back to a small group of distant friends, and whispers, "second round soon?"

I laugh, and tell him, "you're impatient."

He knows that's a yes though, and he leaves me with a slight smirk before finally walking away. It's our own little world, but you can't blame me for trying to make the most of it all.

He makes it all seem so easy, and I'm jealous of that. So perfect and fine, all so simple. I might get used to this.

My own friends rush over to me and attack me with questions like "where were you?" without a single clue of my previous location.

One seems to suspect, and points to my boyfriend as she says, "again?"

I feel myself blush, and I decide to tell her, "no."

But in my head I'm only reminding myself that I, we, have to be more careful. Things are fun when you don't get caught, right?

Not many people know about our relationship yet, and I'd prefer to keep it that way if only to avoid all of the nosy questions. He's insanely hot and everyone knows it, all you have to do is look at him.

When he randomly turns around thirty minutes later and catches my stare, his eyes are yelling at me about continuing our situation in the bathroom.

The party is beginning to die down, and we might as well take advantage of that. I send him a text saying, "yes."

We're both so involved with whatever it is that we have for each other, and I wish that it could last forever. I don't bother looking at anyone else except for him as we make our way to the neat bathroom with the memories stored away in the darkest areas of our minds.

He leans in to touch me, but I tell him to wait. Instantly, he stands back and asks if something is wrong.

I tell him, "no" with a smile on my face. Then, I make the first move by kissing him instead.

It's our own universe, and I don't think I ever want to leave it. I don't know why my feelings are so extreme, but I can't be blamed, right?

There wasn't really a plot to this, but hope you enjoyed it!

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